Enhance productivity with an AI voice agent

CloneOps.ai agents allow logistics companies to expand as productivity increases

The future of AI Phone calls | Check Call

When language learning models (LLMs) first came onto the scene and showcased impressive capabilities, CloneOps.ai founder and CEO David Bell knew there was a tremendous opportunity to develop a tool for logistics companies.  

“After some research, I found promising AI tech people to bring in, and we started building a platform right away,” Bell said.

CloneOps.ai is now transforming phone operations with AI-powered virtual agents that handle high-volume inbound and outbound calls with speed, accuracy, and zero downtime. Built by industry experts, this new technology streamlines workflows, enhances customer engagement and drives efficiency, allowing teams to focus on what truly matters. 

Although CloneOps.ai is being adopted throughout the logistics space, soon it will expand to other industries around the world.  

“I started with the intention to launch our AI voice agents in logistics first, since that was my wheelhouse and I knew exactly what types of problems we could solve,” Bell said. 

Bell spent roughly 25 years consolidating freight and moving cargo for brokers before co-founding Lean Solutions Group, one of the largest and most innovative nearshoring companies in the world. 

“I know the kinds of things we could do with the CloneOps.ai platform would have an impact, because I knew how we made the employees we already had at Lean Solutions more productive,” Bell said.

With tech companies doubling down on AI and so many opportunities available, it can be difficult to discern the legitimately beneficial ways to leverage new technologies.

“It’s tricky,” Bell said. “When our platform came out, we had to carefully decide how to deploy it and make the best use of our bandwidth to make it work,” he said. 

As with any new technology, AI voice agents can enhance productivity quickly by targeting low-hanging fruit. “CloneOps.ai’s agents are great for high-volume inbound calls and help avoid leaving callers on hold,” Bell said. “That’s an immediate benefit to our platform that anyone can observe right away.”

Within the last year, there have been many workflow and documentation AI tools that aid in common paperwork and data management tasks, but a voiced AI agent like CloneOps.ai is novel and potentially even more disruptive. 

“I think businesses are being very careful with how they deploy our platform right now,” Bell said. “A lot of people are trying it out in low-risk situations that are mostly not customer facing. We see a lot of people using our AI voice agents for carrier and vendor calls, and a lot of high-volume tedious work.”

For now, Bell says, the role that was previously relegated to an automated voice attendant menu tree has now been upgraded to AI voice attendant. “That’s the first level of change we’re seeing,” he said. “People are going to find a lot more advanced use cases for it, but for now a lot of users are experimenting and using the technology for straightforward tasks.”

Many organizations are implementing AI slowly and changing one variable at a time. Because properly optimized AI requires access to data and integration into existing systems, the more impactful benefits will appear as widespread adoption streamlines processes. 

“It’s tricky enough just to integrate new technology and adapt all of your daily and weekly workload to account for changes in productivity,” Bell said. “You have access to a lot of information, and it does involve input to make everything work seamlessly.”

“Just like when we started nearshoring, companies were very concerned with making large changes,” Bell said. “There are different labor markets, different laws and environments, and different infrastructure. There’s a lot of uncertainty in making any change, and it can take a lot of time to get full adoption of any new method or practice,” he said.

When it comes to AI voice agent technology, Bell is confident that users will find ways to deploy it most effectively for their purposes. CloneOps.ai is an enhanced work tool and an accessory to call center employees and other employees in various departments. At its core, AI voice agents make these employees better and more efficient at the more complex parts of their jobs that involve full attention.

“No one wants to lose a competitive advantage,” Bell said. “There are mundane tasks you can multitask with, but when you get on the phone to help a customer with a problem, for instance, you really need to be able to focus,” he said. 

According to Bell, it helps tremendously when an AI tool can assist with routine work in the background. 

“If we can get rid of some of those phone calls that are repetitive and involve basic information, it saves time for everyone,” Bell said. “Callers and employees both want to move things along and get quick answers, and there’s no doubt that CloneOps.ai can help with that,” he said.

Many phone calls that brokers receive are related to routine requests for information, and these types of calls can be facilitated entirely by AI voice agents without requiring employees to take any time away from more pressing situations. 

“There will always be exceptions, and that’s what we need employees to focus on,” Bell said. “The unique situations and escalations require expert human input where other tasks do not.” 

For example, Bell explained, an accounts receivable department can now considerably streamline its daily workload. “You used to have to manually call everyone,” he said. “Now we use automated email statements, web portals, reminders, and other technology that reduces the need for active employee input.”

Of course, for everything to run smoothly, a representative still needs to make and receive a certain amount of calls from clients. With the CloneOps.ai accounts receivable AI agent, Bell says, one employee can initiate twenty calls at one time, watch progress to see if any of those calls require intervention, and use the live takeover function to directly interact on the phone. 

“Your accounts receivable support employee can make ten or twenty times as many calls and spend more time on other things, even working in areas that may have previously been under other departments,” Bell said. “You can consolidate workloads and put some of your phone representatives on tasks like carrier sales and expand your operation. You’re freeing up bandwidth for your employees, and that means that there are numerous opportunities to help your employees and grow your business,” he said. 

There are numerous other benefits to utilizing CloneOps.ai voice agents, according to Bell, including training for new employees. “Even when you deploy your AI agents and watch them work, you’re learning too,” he said. “The first job in logistics is usually track and trace. You can’t screw much up by simply calling a driver to find out where he is. Now that tasks like that can be more automated and new employees can observe AI scripts, they learn that much faster and can deal with more complicated problems.” 

Although Bell wanted to focus on logistics first because that was his area of expertise, this technology is certainly not limited to logistics. AI voice technology is a global, high-volume phone call tool that can make companies in almost any industry more productive. 

“Our agents already speak thirty-two languages and can switch languages mid-sentence to adapt to the caller’s dialect, and that’s a game changer,” Bell said. “It really expands your potential reach. Plenty of drivers would love to hear information in their language, and now you don’t necessarily have to employ call center employees with nearly as many spoken languages,” he said.

While some people continue to voice concerns about AI technology and its impact on the job market, Bell argues that this is not a new phenomenon and certainly won’t decimate jobs. Instead, he says, it will simply shift the work that employees do and free them up to be more productive with what they do best. 

“POD retrieval and track and trace teams, for instance, used to account for a larger percentage of the workforce, and now we’ve evolved and a lot of those tasks have gone away, but the logistics sector as a whole has continued to grow due to better efficiency,” Bell said. “Our AI voice agents automate more advanced tasks that used to require manual work hours. That always works out to make companies and employees more productive and profitable, not less,” he said. 

“Some roles will go away, but that simply allows companies to expand in departments like sales, which brings in more business and allows more opportunity for high earning potential, for employees and the company,” Bell said. 

Instead of AI taking everyone’s jobs, Bell says, employees will become proficient with using AI tools to enhance other roles.

“I think it will take a few years for companies to know how many employees they need and for what roles,” Bell said. “That will shift the workspace until the market understands how to optimize employee workload, and in the meantime, our platform will help make better, more effective employees.”

To check out CloneOps.ai virtual agents, visit CloneOps.ai to book a demo today.

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