From silos to synergy in logistics: Overcoming the 3 deadly deficiencies 

Unisys provides a simple methodology for solving complex problems

Optimizing Business Processes To Win More Business

The need for change in the logistics industry 

Despite the ongoing surge of technological advances throughout the logistics industry, many companies struggle with persistent inefficiencies. These challenges are not just minor inconveniences but critical bottlenecks that can significantly impact a company’s bottom line and competitive edge.

The cost of these inefficiencies goes beyond operational hiccups; they can lead to lost business, damaged reputation and stunted growth in an increasingly competitive global market. As the logistics landscape evolves rapidly, companies that fail to address these challenges risk falling behind more agile and innovative competitors.

The solution: AIM methodology 

To address these challenges, industry experts have developed a straightforward yet powerful three-pronged approach dubbed “AIM”:

Many companies excel at assessment and implementation but often fall short in the monitoring phase. Sabari Ramnath, Unisys senior manager of solution management for Enterprise Computing Solutions, notes, “If you don’t know how to use the data efficiently, you are missing something.”

The 3 ‘deadly deficiencies’ 

The AIM methodology addresses three interconnected problems that affect logistics operations across sectors — from air cargo to freight forwarding:  

These deficiencies tend to occur together and reinforce each other, creating a cycle of inefficiency that can severely disrupt logistics operations. The AIM methodology is specifically designed to tackle these issues head-on.

Combining AI and human expertise 

Processing large amounts of data requires more than human intelligence alone. Ramnath explains, “People think those with more data are the king. However, the true power lies in effectively leveraging that data.”

Combining AI with human expertise offers new efficiencies and insights:

Combining AI and human expertise helps overcome operational challenges and improve overall performance.

Navigating the tech landscape 

Experience matters when it comes to implementing the AIM methodology and effectively leveraging AI. Unisys has been at the forefront of logistics technology for more than four decades, and has been pivotal in the industry’s digital transformation.

“Innovation is in our DNA,” Ramnath said. From helping the industry adapt to the internet in the 1980s and 1990s to logistics optimization solutions, Unisys continues to advance logistics technology.

Ready to optimize your logistics operations and overcome the “deadly deficiencies” holding your company back? Unisys is offering a free webinar on Sept. 17 to explore how to optimize your business processes to win more business. 

Register for the webinar here

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