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Why Walmart pays its truck drivers 6 figures

Walmart's stores are bare-bones — but their truckers' pay stubs aren't

Walmart associates have the chance to become a truck driver for the retailer’s elite fleet. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

One Walmart truck driver says he has 15 years left of working, and he intends to spend them hauling loads for Walmart. “Barring a lottery win or marrying a sugar mama, I don’t see myself going anywhere,” said the Texas-based driver, who asked not to have his name included as he is not authorized to speak on behalf of the company.

Such loyalty to a single company is unusual in trucking, an industry notorious for massive turnover. And the Texas trucker isn’t alone in his dedication to Walmart. One of the best jobs you can get in trucking is at Walmart. The uber-retailer says truck drivers can make up to $110,000 in their first year at the company. That’s twice the nationwide median pay of a truck driver, and certainly above the $17.50 an hour that the average Walmart associate earns. Home time, paid vacation and good health insurance are also guaranteed for Walmart company drivers. These offerings are elusive in the trucking world.

It’s not out of the goodness of Walmart’s corporate heart that it pays truck drivers a truckload. Rather, truckers are key to Walmart’s retail dominance — and they have been from the start. Without a highly engaged trucking workforce, it’s not likely that the company would have flourished in the way it has. The Fortune 1 company prioritized supply chain long before it became a buzzword.

“At Walmart, we believe in offering our drivers a competitive compensation package to attract the best drivers in the industry,” a Walmart spokesperson told FreightWaves in an emailed statement.  

Walmart company drivers are historically some of the most elite in the industry. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

Walmart employs some 14,000 drivers, which makes it comparable to some of the largest for-hire fleets in the U.S. It’s added 5,800 drivers to the company in the past five years alone. 

Recently, Walmart has shifted some of its strategies around recruiting those new drivers. In 2018, Walmart changed its truck driving recruitment program to allow more drivers to pass its program. A senior vice president at Walmart told Yahoo! Finance at the time it was because of a “shortage” of truck drivers. (Those who study the trucking industry dispute that such a shortage exists, concluding that drivers leave the industry for jobs with better pay and hours.)

Last year, Walmart announced another key pivot. The company said in January 2023, building on a pilot it launched the year before, that it would allow Walmart associates living in participating locations to apply to a 12-week CDL program. For perhaps the first time, a Walmart company driver doesn’t need years of experience to get behind the wheel of its branded 18-wheelers. It may be that Walmart’s tack on trucking is changing. 

Operating in the boondocks forced Walmart to become a distribution whiz

Decades before Walmart became the biggest company in the world — raking in $611 billion in revenue last year — its leadership team couldn’t find anyone to haul freight to its first stores. Walmart operated mostly in the boondocks, far from where most trucking companies wanted to go.

“We couldn’t find anybody who wanted to run their trucks 60 or 70 miles out of the way into these little towns where we were operating,” Don Sonderquist, an early Walmart executive, explained in an interview published in 1992. “We were totally ignored by the distributors and the jobbers. That’s not only how we came to build our own distribution system, it’s also how we got used to beating the heck out of everybody on prices.”

This forced founder Sam Walton to build up his own network of suppliers, too. Walmart elected to work directly with the brands it sells in-store, which still allows the company unusual control over the minutiae of the products of some very large companies, according to journalist Charles Fishman, the author of the 2006 book “The Wal-Mart Effect.”

Walmart employed 2.1 million associates, per its 2022 financial statement. It’s the largest private employer in the world. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

This hyperfocus on supply chain and distribution shaped key decisions from the top to the bottom of Walmart’s operations. That’s according to two people who have closely studied Walmart: Fishman and historian Nelson Lichtenstein, author of the 2006 book “Wal-Mart: The Face of Twenty-First-Century Capitalism” and professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

When Walmart sought to open a new store, Fishman and Lichtenstein explained, it built the distribution center. Then, it built stores within a one-day drive of that distribution center. This might seem like an obvious strategy in 2024, but it was somewhat revolutionary in the mid-20th century. Kmart, for example, targeted the same blue-collar Americans that Walmart did. However, Kmart would simply plop stores into suburbs that had plenty of customers. Distribution was an afterthought.

“Walmart has become the largest company in human history by doing something that was already being done, better than anyone else did it,” Fishman said. “Logistics and transportation is one of the things that made Walmart, Walmart, and allowed them to outcompete.”

So … why is Walmart so obsessed with its truckers?

Kroger, Home Depot, Target and the like all operate huge supply chains and obviously manage to get their shelves robustly stocked — without the front-and-center obsession on supply chain. Walmart’s supply chain, though, is different for a few key reasons. Professor Brian Gibson, executive director of the Center for Supply Chain Innovation at Auburn University, laid it out:

  • Walmart is just, well, bigger than any other retailer. It has 4,616 stores, compared to fewer than 2,000 for Target, around 2,200 for Home Depot and 2,750 for Kroger. Walmart also has a larger average square footage per store, too.
  • Walmart has a mix of grocery and general merchandise, which adds complexity to its trucking network.
  • As a result of its large, private fleet, Walmart has unusual clout among equipment manufacturers and other trucking service providers. It’s the type of status that’s usually reserved for companies that only do trucking.

“Walmart’s mission is to save people money so they can live better,” the Walmart spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “Managing our own distribution and trucking networks helps us better serve our customer and manage costs.”

Walmart employs around 14,000 truck drivers. The retailer hired nearly 6,000 in the last five years. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)  

The importance of distribution is perhaps incredibly obvious. If stuff is not on the shelves, customers aren’t going to be buying that stuff. Customers would ultimately buy less during that visit and, if they get fed up by a consistent lack of stuff, eventually not at all. The stuff has to be moved safely and on time across the country. If paying top dollar makes that happen, then it’s sensible for Walmart to agree to do that. 

“They wanted to pay them good money because it was the absolute core of their, of their business — to get this stuff from the distribution center to the store at precisely the right time with no screw-ups,” Lichtenstein said. “That was crucial.”

Paying truck drivers top dollar also makes sense because Walmart doesn’t employ that many of them. The company has about 14,000 truck drivers and 1.6 million associates. Each of those truck drivers holds a lot of power over the shopping experience of a Walmart store.

“One associate here or there can have a positive impact, but it’s not going to change the economics of the store,” Fishman said. “A truck driver is going to really matter. They have an outsized impact on the way the company runs.”

Paying six figures to 14,000 employees may seem reasonable enough for Walmart. “It’s not even 1% of their staff,” Fishman said. 

Walmart is remodeling some of its trucker policies 

Walmart is now changing its truck driver hiring policies. Until 2022, the company required 30 months of driver experience before one could be considered for the company driver role. That year, the company began piloting a program that allowed Walmart associates to go to a 12-week driver training program and become fleet drivers. Walmart expanded the program nationwide. (Outside applicants still need 30 months of training, and not every associate who applies is admitted to the program.)

“We started the Associate-to-Driver program because we wanted to tap into our own talent pool of incredible associates and give them opportunity to develop their career,” the Walmart spokesperson said in a written statement. “It’s been a great opportunity for our associates to continue to grow their careers without having to leave the company.”

The spokesperson said the company requires all trainees to pass the same skills assessment as external hires. Then, they’re partnered with a mentor for six weeks of continued training.

It’s a sensible move for Walmart to train from within; its current CEO, Doug McMillon, started as an hourly associate. “I think it’s a recognition that [you value] your own employees better than somebody walking in off the street,” GIbson said.

The truck driver shortage debate appears… again

Some Walmart drivers aren’t delighted. 

The Texas-based Walmart truck driver, who joined the company two years ago, said the retailer could attract more drivers by raising its pay. “Raise the driver’s pay and you’ll retain and attract [experienced drivers],” he said.

Another Texas-based truck driver, who joined Walmart seven years ago, said he fears it’s a sign that Walmart is approaching trucking in the same way as large for-hire fleets, which see typical turnover rates around 94%.

“Back in the day, you used to need a decade before you’re even looked at to get on with Walmart,” he said. (The driver asked not to have his name included as he is not authorized to speak on behalf of the company.)

Both complaints get at the heart of an ongoing debate in the trucking industry: the so-called truck driver shortage. Trucking employers maintain that they’re unable to hire drivers due to a persistent shortage — caused largely by demographic issues and the lifestyle of trucking. However, researchers (and truck drivers themselves) disagree. Studies suggest the massive turnover seen by large fleets keeps them scrambling to hire new workers; one March 2019 study published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics concluded that “price signals” would lead to a more stable trucking workforce.

A company, like Walmart, that pays six figures and offers good benefits should not struggle with turnover. On the other hand, Walmart needs to hire more drivers as the retailer expands operations and current truckers retire. Walmart has hired nearly 6,000 new drivers in the past five years. 

Experts believe Walmart wants more control over training its truckers

From the perspective of these supply chain experts, it doesn’t seem like the associate-to-driver program is necessarily a way to cut costs. Gibson said Walmart has been “very aggressive” in recruiting drivers in recent years. It may have simply tapped out of the current supply of drivers. 

“I think this is just the latest in the evolution of the hiring process for Walmart,” Gibson said. “Going internal has been proven to be a good strategy by other organizations.”

Many trucking fleets hire new drivers to save money on wages, but that might not be Walmart’s tactic here. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

What’s more, the associate-to-driver program could be a way to better mold the Walmart truck driver. 

“You take somebody who’s been with another company, they’ve developed habits, they’ve developed styles, they know certain systems –  for the good and the bad,” Gibson said. “If they’ve developed any bad habits over time, you can train your new drivers the way you want, the way you need on your systems and try to focus on the skills, capabilities and safety issues that are directly of importance to your organization.”

Fishman agreed. An associate-turned-driver might not bring years of trucking experience, but they certainly get Walmart. 

“It’s possible in this wave of hiring that [outside trucking hires] are diluting this Walmart culture,” Fishman said. “Truck drivers are famously independent.”

What do you think of Walmart’s trucking fleet? Email with your thoughts. And don’t forget to subscribe to MODES


  1. Mark Mackenzie

    It would be a great honor and great opportunity work drive for Walmart. My CDL is up-to-date and clean there are no accidents free of violation for the last 25 years. But yet I cannot get a job with Walmart driving. Because I am Canadian. Walmart crosses the border every day. I think we should work together and supply all the Walmarts drivers equal opportunity in each country.

  2. Ralph M Bohm

    Starting driving in 1979, came over to Walmart in 2019 after driving for many companies throughout the 48 States. I have around 3 million miles driving; the following is my perspective:

    I make an average of $.87/mile. My base is $.66/ mi. I get layover pay, drop pay, load and unload pay.
    I never have to worry about where I park for my 10 hr rest period. There is always a place for me. I never have a problem at a fuel island with drivers pissing between the islands.

    We have wonderful, free showers at the terminal. I get 25 days paid vacation each year. I drive 5 days a week and extend a 6th day when they need me and in doing so, get a $300 bonus on top of the pay. I get a few more safety days a year. Oh, did I mention that I get around $450 paid during each of those vacation and safety days?
    401k match.

    From the moment I arrive at a store, the clock starts; after 40 minutes, I start getting paid.

    In almost 5 years, I broke down only once; I immediately went on the clock, etc. The list is almost endless.

    What negatives are there? Well, they micro-manage for a short time. Once you’ve proven you can be relied upon, you never have a problem.
    Someone mentioned bed bugs, ha ha. Really? You have no idea what you’re taking about.

    Yes, we slipseat but I don’t. Why? Because I am on a 5/2 program as many of us are and you might find that they used the truck while you were off but we have a strict policy. You need to clean the truck after you use it.
    Another previous poster mentioned that outside carriers coming into the DC get treated badly. Well, just take a look at them and then take a look at us. Who looks more professional?
    Uniforms: Yup, we sure do wear uniforms and I LOVE it. We command respect whereever we go and you can too if you take the time and dress and behave professionally.

    Someone also mentioned bad roads; what the hell does that have to do with Walmart drivers? Unless, you are referring to 14,000+ drivers wearing the roads out. Well, then I suppose you have an argument there.
    I drive the New England states, where many of you “super truckers” say you refuse to go. Fine by me. I’ll do your share because I can.

    2023, I grossed $127,000 averaging 2400 mi/week. See, I’m not busting my ass. And guess what? I’ve NEVER had to touch a single piece of freight or had to get under the truck to fix something.
    Keep fooling yourselves about how bad Walmart is. Some day, you’ll wake up and realize you could have had a much better quality of life.

    Finally, lets mention how we are treated:
    I’ve NEVER once been spoken to with disrespect. When I screw up at times, my managers are almost apologetic towards me. When I come in to work I still find myself a bit amazed that I really enjoy coming through the guard shack and am greeted when a sincere hello.
    I only wish I would have discovered Walmart sooner in my career.

    Okay, your turn. Start the hate mail.

  3. Barbara S. Hathaway

    I worked for Walmart 7 years in local store ,& didn’t know the drivers worked in-store before were drivers. It makes sense, though.

  4. Emmitt

    I think Walmart is on the right track paying their drivers well with great benefits,hell I’ve even tried getting on there don’t know what the problem is I have over 40yrs experience the last 30 driving car carriers with only 1accident in the 40yrs never got an explanation of why I wasn’t hired

  5. Jimmy byrd

    Well back in 1980 I worked for david bishop Mel rheA in Springdale was offered a job at wallmart to go there home 5 nights a week and a good job but I went back home to help my father in his restrunts in wash dc . Had breakfast with sam Walton in a small joint in Springdale I was interduced by david nice guy . My peace runs one of his stores up north long. Hrs but pays well 200k bonuses. And she started at the bottom did it all on her own . Grates

  6. Freddie King

    I think they doing a great job I mean when I started with Walmart the was so easy and the pay is un real and I love what I do first company I ever work for and make that kinda money and I been driving for 36yrs plan to retire here

  7. Brandon Tompkins

    How do I apply!? I’m a P M tech at a local trucking company in KY. They pay nothing close to what Walmart does, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  8. Bill

    I worked for Walmart as a 3rd party subcontractor, and the pay was not bad or good, it was decent. Walmart in my opinion would be better off hiring their outside seasonal owner operators on their own, this would help Walmart attract good loyal owner operators to their fleet.

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Rachel Premack

Rachel Premack is the editorial director at FreightWaves. She writes the newsletter MODES. Her reporting on the logistics industry has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Vox, and additional digital and print media. She's also spoken about her work on PBS Newshour, ABC News, NBC News, NPR, and other major outlets. If you’d like to get in touch with Rachel, please email her at or