White Paper – Stress Testing Transportation Forecasts

The first half of 2020 has been the most significant stress test global supply chains and transportation networks have experienced since War World II. Even the financial crisis of 2008/2009 cannot compare to large swaths of the economy being either forcibly or voluntarily shut down at once to slow the COVID-19 pandemic. The stress tests are likely to continue as the global economy will probably stop and start again, depending on regional infection and transmission levels of COVID-19.

In this white paper, brought to you by FreightWaves and Transplace, we will take an in-depth look at how unlikely events — often described as white or black swan events — are driving supply chain and transportation professionals to seek out realtime alternative data to create a competitive advantage in their operations and finances.

Topics covered in this white paper include:

• Analysis of black or white swan events
• How to include black or white swan events in freight forecasts
• Using alternative data to prepare for unpredictable events

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