Transportation EDI powerhouse, Kleinschmidt Inc. joins Blockchain in Trucking Alliance (BiTA)

Kleinschmidt Inc., one of the largest providers of EDI and electronic transactions in the transportation space and a leader in innovative electronic commerce solutions for the transportation industry, announced today that it has joined the Blockchain in Trucking Alliance (BITA) in an effort to work alongside the transportation industry to develop new standards and practices while advancing the industry through new technologies.

The Blockchain in Trucking Alliance’s goal is to establish direction for the development of blockchain in the transportation and trucking industry. BiTA works to provide the education, clarity and resources necessary to engage new partners in transportation, finance and technology in order to unlock the efficiency and benefits evident in blockchain technology.

“Kleinschmidt is the preeminent provider of EDI and electronic transactions in the market. Their participation in BiTA will be vital to support the growth and proliferation of this technology.  The role that Kleinschmidt plays in the trucking industry cannot be understated. We are honored to have them join BiTA,” said Craig Fuller, CEO of TransRisk and Co-Founder of BiTA.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) named blockchain as technology that has far-reaching social and economic benefits, but would need industry-specific standards to encourage adoption. Deloitte is also high on the technology, projecting that 10% of global GDP will be stored on the blockchain by 2025.

Kleinschmidt is joining TransRisk, McLeod Software, PS Logistics, 10-4 Systems and Triumph Business Capital among other companies as members of BiTA. A pioneer in communications technology throughout the 20th century and a leader in electronic data exchange within the transportation and freight logistics industries, Kleinschmidt brings over 75 years of experience on the forefront of transactional data and electronic commerce to the Blockchain in Trucking Alliance.

“Blockchain is an exciting technology with the potential to make a huge positive impact on the transportation industry, so naturally we’re proud to join forces with our peers in the Blockchain in Trucking Alliance,” said Dan Heinen, Chairman of Kleinschmidt Inc. “Blockchain transactions are a natural evolution for us, and it’s been something we’ve been exploring for quite some time now. Kleinschmidt is extremely enthusiastic about the opportunity to collaborate with the brightest and best in our industry through BiTA to bring innovative solutions and expertise to our customers, partners and the industry as a whole.”

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