As I See It


By Jack Porter, TPP Managing Director and “The Trucking Activist”

The TCA Truckload Indexes has been a very consistent voice weekly to our industry. We’ve done a great job religiously updating our followers with the latest news affecting our businesses. I have been routinely participating in the monthly playbook, however, not for the weekly publication. That will change in 2020. This weekly opinion will give me the ability to relate my views on current events. Those views will be based from my personal experience over the past 40 years serving the Trucking Business. That experience linked with the obvious sun setting of my career will give me the ability to fashion my editorials with a clear bias toward this Industry that has been so fulfilling in my Professional and Business life.

My views have been shaped by my 17 years in the Truck Dealership business with a great Truckload partner and owner, then another 12 years working with Trucking Companies and Dealers to developing a Service Management Platform, and finally the last 5 years growing the Truckload Profitability Program (TPP). This Industry is critical to the success of our Economy. We take for granted what this industry does everyday to pick up and deliver the Goods needed to support our Free American Lifestyles. Millions of Trucks running millions of miles everyday through traffic, weather, and distracted car drivers.

Truck Drivers are the backbone of this industry, and we make their life miserable by the simplest of common courtesy’s like whipping in front of them while in congested highways or treating them with respect at Dealer Service Write Up windows or Loading docks, simple courtesy! However, this industry and all its complications and challenges takes NASA risks and accepts Supermarket returns for risk and reward. I know this firsthand and will openly analyze and report from my view about current affairs that affect this great industry. So, I’ve made my New Years resolution in print for all my Friends and clients to see!

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