“As I See It” – Happy Easter, Truckers


By: Jack Porter, TPP Managing Director, and “The Trucking Activist”

On this holiday weekend, I want to send my best wishes to the trucking community! From the heroic drivers doing their jobs in the face of adversity, to the carrier support folks – some in offices and some working at home – thank you for your support of our drivers and customers. To the valiant technicians that arrive for work every day unknowing what and where they might come face to face with a health challenge in the course of their daily duties. To the truckstops, dealers and other support businesses that support the drivers while on the road, and sometimes when in the most need, thank you all and bless you all for a hopeful family holiday.

It’s wonderful to see the public showing support for our drivers. However, they are still in need of facemasks and sanitizing products. Those of you that can help support the carrier in your neck of the woods with either, will be greatly appreciated. I strongly believe that the protection equipment for drivers is here to stay for at least the immediate future, and we need to develop sources for our drivers that become routine and sustainable! For those local companies making masks or developing hand sanitizer, please reach out to trucking companies in your community to see if you can help after any inventory you are providing the healthcare heroes!

Speaking of our hero’s, I have a special appeal to my followers, clients, vendors and friends to support our driver heroes through Congress. There is a movement in DC from the Senate called a “Hero’s Fund” as described from Fox News; “Under the plan pitched by Senate Democrats, the federal government would set up a “Heroes Fund” to pay frontline workers bonus pay up to $25,000 through the end of 2020, or about an additional $13 per hour. The types of employees eligible would be very broad and extend beyond medical professionals, police and paramedics, to include workers in essential industries, such as grocery store workers, truck drivers, drug store staff, postal workers, pharmacists, and more.” Link to post

Please email your senators in support of this Fund for our great truck drivers! What a great Easter gift for all our heroes. We go through different stages of running, walking and crawling, but I know this trucking community will never give up. Happy Easter to All!

Stay safe,

Jack Porter

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