Change is Imminent


By: Shepard Dunn, TPP Profitability Consultant

Without a doubt, our world is changing quickly. Not by the year, month, or week, but by the day and in many cases by the hour. Really, it seems its that quick. Whether its coming from the national news, local news, industry rags, customers, employees or simply your own mind, it seems as though everything is changing very rapidly. You may ask, ‘What can I do about it?’ Everything….!! You can either sit back and wait for it or make changes yourself. I prefer the latter as at least you’re somewhat in control. It’s like the rumor mill in your company.

Just wait a while and you’ll hear another rumor or you can be the ultimate communicator and get out in front of this thing. People (employees) would rather hear bad news from you directly than no news. Change is the one thing that most people hate. It creates anxiety and fear because we can’t anticipate what’s going to happen next. There is one thing for sure that’s going to happen – CHANGE! And you need to get over it, because its going to happen. Usually change is good, it makes things fresh, we get better and learn with each time we change something. So, with all this craziness that’s going on, find ways to communicate positive messages to your people about the changes coming. Involve them in those changes, when you do, the change can be a lot less painful.

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