A clean fuel alternative for heavy-duty trucks in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

Did you know that the twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are the largest in the nation as well as the single largest source of air pollution in Southern California? Or that trucking at the ports is responsible for more than 100 tons per day of smog and nitrogen oxides—more than the daily emissions from all 6 million cars in the region?

In 2021 things got even worse due to pandemic-induced consumer sales, record-setting volumes of cargo, and a logjam of more than 100 ships anchored off the Southern California coast that fouled the air with even more harmful diesel pollution than usual.

So, what can be done to alleviate emissions and decarbonize transportation in the ports?

Chevron Corporation and Clean Energy Fuels Corp. in 2021 expanded their joint Adopt-a-Port initiative, which provides truck fleet operators and owners serving the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach with cleaner, carbon-negative renewable natural gas (RNG) to reduce emissions. Chevron has committed $28 million in funding to the program that allows truck operators to subsidize the cost of buying new or converting to natural gas trucks. Clean Energy, meanwhile, manages the program, including offering fueling services for qualified truck operators.

“Chevron’s increased commitment to this project will allow us to extend favorable funding to smaller, independent operators, which means cleaner, renewable natural gas-fueled trucks operating in the ports,” said Derek Turbide, Clean Energy Vice President of Trucking. “The resulting positive environmental impact will help to reduce local air pollution while also eliminating climate pollutants.”

Truck operators participating in the program, which supports the ports’ Clean Trucks Program and Clean Air Action Plan, agree to fuel up at the Clean Energy stations supplied with Chevron renewable gas. Truck operators and their import and export customers are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard program while also reducing smog-forming NOx emissions by up to 98% compared to diesel trucks, helping local communities.

So far, over 400 heavy-duty trucks have been contracted through the program and some 400 more are being processed, which will help to clean the air in and around the ports and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

A leader in the move to sustainable trucking in the Ports, Clean Energy customer Pac Anchor has experienced all the benefits of the Adopt-a-Port program.

“Here at Pac Anchor, we’re committed to finding innovative solutions for lowering our carbon footprint and lessen the impact on the communities we serve. That’s why we chose RNG trucks, a tried and true technology that helps us deliver results,” said Alfredo Barajas, CEO, Pac Anchor. “The Adopt-a-Port program supports our sustainability goals and provides us with affordable access to the cleanest technology for our communities and clients.”

Also deploying RNG-fueled trucks through the Adopt-a-Port program are Biagi Bros., Pacifica Transportation, RoadEx CY, STS Logistics, American Pacific Forwarders, NGL Logistics, Pacific 9 Transportation, Pacific Expressway, Supra National Express, JL Express, Atlas Marine, and others.

“Harbor Trucking Association applauds the Adopt-a-Port partnership between Chevron and Clean Energy. This program supports our mission of helping members improve their environmental sustainability at the Ports of Long Beach and LA while doing so with economics that make sense for their businesses,” said Matt Schrap, CEO of the Harbor Trucking Association, the leading membership association representing the interests of the drayage trucking community in California.

The program provides up to $50,000 per new truck purchased and can be combined with other state and local funding programs available. For more information or to see if your fleet qualifies for the program, please contact Derek.Turbide@cleanenergyfuels.com or (949) 437-1305.

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