Freight Futures markets to watch today: South and West Regions
It was a relatively quiet trading day as the Trucking Freight Futures markets trended lower. The spot National contract (FUT.VNU202002) finished down by a fraction to $1.419/mile as both the South and West regions continued to exert their influence and in a reversal from Monday, nudged the market lower. The South regional contract (FUT.VSU202002) was off by 0.25% to $1.211 as the West regional contract (FUT.VWU202002) slipped a fraction to $1.465. The East regional contract (FUT.VEU202002) ended the session unchanged at $1.582.
The seven individual lane contracts ended the day with five contracts unchanged and two slightly lower. Three of the unchanged contracts were in the East with the CHI to ATL contract (FUT.VCA202002) ending at $1.959, the ATL to PHL contract (FUT.VAP202002) staying at $1.656 and the PHL to CHI contract (FUT.VPC202002) holding firm at $1.131. The lane contracts in the South and the West were mixed, with the outbound LAX contract in each region reversing course, and settling lower on the day. In the South, the LAX to DAL contract (FUT.VLD202002) dropped 0.3% to close at $1.339 while the DAL to LAX contract (FUT.VDL202002) ended the day flat at $1.084. Shifting to the West, the LAX to SEA contract (FUT.VLS202002) closed down 0.25% to $1.988 and the SEA to LAX contract (FUT.VSL202001) remained steady at $0.941.