Net-Zero Carbon recap: A collaborative approach to decarbonization

: Head of Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance says working together beats going solo

Photo: FreightWaves

This fireside chat recap is from the FreightWaves Net-Zero Carbon Summit. 

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: The Role of Collaboration in Decarbonization

DETAILS: Decarbonization in the supply chain is not a solo act. The Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance is seeking to prove that through various collaborative projects. 

SPEAKER: Eszter Tóth-Weedon

BIO: Eszter Tóth-Weedon has a long career in sustainability. She is the director of the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance, based in the Netherlands, and has been with the organiztation since 2016. The Alliance brings together freight buyers and freight decarbonization initiatives under its activities. She engages companies through the Global Logistics Emissions Council.


“We came down to three areas of support from our members. They want to have projects run together, to jointly kick off projects and to scale up existing projects.

“Another important concern is establishing support for procurement decarbonization.” 

“What is important is that we will start with small projects, ones that can go relatively fast. And what we want to do is identify patterns. What are the enabling policies? Can we advocate for these policies once they have been proven?”

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