Today’s Pickup: OOIDA explains why Supreme Court needs to consider ELD case

Good morning.

While FMCSA’s electronic logging device (ELD) rule seems like a done deal, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) has not thrown in the towel quite yet. Set to go into effect in December, the rule would require most truck drivers to use ELDs to record hours of service compliance rather than paper logbooks.

There is plenty of debate on whether this rule will impact productivity and shipping rates, but OOIDA believes it has a more chilling impact. “We believe that the Seventh Circuit erred in allowing warrantless searches of 3.5 million drivers, designed specifically to uncover evidence of criminal activity. In doing so, the Seventh Circuit decision splits directly with rulings by both the Fifth and Eleventh Circuit Courts,” OOIDA President Jim Johnston is quoted in LandLine Magazine’s latest blog.

OOIDA is hoping the U.S. Supreme Court will take up the case and eventually strike the ELD regulation.

Did you know?

A survey conducted by Transplace last fall found that 56% of fleets with more than 250 trucks expected to see their utilization decrease once ELDs are fully implemented. Of fleets with fewer than 250 trucks, 64% expected to see a decrease.


“I have to admit that April’s contraction is a bit surprising, especially considering the anecdotal reports I’ve been hearing from fleets regarding freight levels. It’s not necessarily that tonnage levels fell in April that is surprising but the size of the decrease.”

Bob Costello, ATA chief economist, following the announcement of a 1.8% drop in truck tonnage for April.

In other news:

The tax that won’t go away

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Tonnage falls in April

Even as executives are expressing optimism over the economy, April tonnage numbers took a dive. American Trucking Associations reported a 1.8% drop in April compared to 2016. (Transport Topics)

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With government data suggesting the majority of truck-related crashes are the fault of an automobile driver, stakeholders in the U.S. have pushed road safety plans. In New Zealand, the government has taken it a step further, teaching safety around trucks in the schools. (Scoop)

Categories: Economics, News, Technology