Always with you, and always ready to provide irrefutable photographic evidence

 PEIR Mobile provides photographic proof of the condition of a vehicle and cargo, and places that proof inside a blockchain.
PEIR Mobile provides photographic proof of the condition of a vehicle and cargo, and places that proof inside a blockchain.

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An estimated 17M ocean shipping containers make approximately 200M trips globally on an annual basis. A typical international shipping container is interchanged between 8-10 parties before the load is delivered.

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At each one of the interchange points, the potential exists that the receiving party obtains a shipping container that is damaged, or the seal has been tampered with or broken.  In today’s market, there is no irrefutable blockchain photographic evidence with date, time, and location that records the actual condition of the equipment or the seal status except for PEIR Mobile.

Without PEIR we call that “interchanging in the dark” or interchanging with your eyes closed.  PEIR™ operates on the premise that a picture is worth 1000 words which makes our irrefutable Blockchain technology priceless.  With PEIR’s easy to use mobile app, a permanent, irrefutable record is accomplished anywhere with any iOS or Android mobile device that has a front facing camera and an internet connection. PEIR™ users are guided through an intuitive, step by step process in real time, capturing the entire ocean container, chassis or trailer.  At any point during the process, PEIR™ users can flag damage and capture additional photos of damage or the seal to further protect their company.

After the process is completed, the user reviews all the photos taken to verify the interchange.  At this point PEIR utilizes patent pending technology which takes the meta data collected from the device and creates an immutable cryptic hash. This cryptic hash is then joined to the inspection record and the series of pictures. That data is then stored and rendered irrefutable through the blockchain in a daily journal. 

Today carriers are paying millions of dollars for damages and freight claims, even if they weren’t responsible. If they had PEIR, they would have irrefutable blockchain photographic evidence to prove otherwise. Spending money to settle the claims without photo evidence will no longer be a normal part of doing business. PEIR provides carriers with an inexpensive insurance policy that they can depend on to protect them from paying for damages or claims they did not cause or the driver failed to record.  For about $1 per interchange, carriers will no longer interchange in the dark.  When a repair invoice or freight claim arrives, the carrier will use PEIR to look up the interchange and provide the billing party a link to the irrefutable and immutable documentation that protects them. No more digging through boxes of paper interchanges, notes in dispatch systems, or hand-written driver notes only to end up not finding the documents, and even if found they may not be considered irrefutable proof. PEIR makes this ongoing problem solvable with a couple of keyboard clicks.

Through PEIR, the interchange is irrefutably recorded utilizing the Blockchain to include the date, time, geo-coordinates coupled with the series of photos which then are searchable.   As technology continues to advance and improve within the shipping industry, PEIR will be looking to have a block in the chain that includes the interchange and other valuable meta data. PEIR Mobile is insurance that you carry around in your pocket.  Don’t get stuck holding the bag, PEIR Mobile is there so that interchanges are no longer done in the dark.

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