FreightWaves releases energy commodity volumes and prices

Image: SONAR chart of WTI spot price

Energy markets have been the largest drivers of the recent industrial economic boom. America has become the world’s largest producer of crude oil in the past year. The energy market impacts transportation in multiple ways from shipping of raw products and their derivatives to direct costs of hauling any other freight with the price of diesel. For this reason, we have added a slew of energy-based measures including the following:

Crude Oil First Purchase Price (CRUDPC) – Monthly first purchase price of crude oil measured in dollars per barrel

Crude Oil Production (CRUDPD) – Weekly production of crude oil measured by thousands of barrels per day

Distillate Fuel Oil Stocks (DFOINV) – Weekly stocks of distillate fuel oil measured by thousands of barrels

Distillate Fuel Oil Net Production (DFOPRD) – Weekly net production of refinery and blender of distillate fuel oil measured by thousands of barrels

Ethanol Stocks (ETHINV) – Weekly stocks of ethanol measured by thousands of barrels

Ethanol Production (ETHPRD) – Weekly production of ethanol measured by thousand barrels per day

Fuel Oil Price (FLOIL) – Monthly price of fuel oil measured in dollars per gallon

Gasoline Stocks (GASINV) – Weekly stocks of gasoline measured by thousands of barrels

Conventional Gasoline Net Production (GASNET) – Weekly net production of refinery and blender of conventional gasoline measured by thousands of barrels

Gasoline Retail Price (GASPRC) – Weekly retail price of gasoline measured by dollars per gallon

Kerosene Type Jet Fuel Stocks (JETINV) – Weekly stocks of kerosene type jet fuel measured by thousands of barrels

Kerosene Type Jet Fuel Production (JETPRD) – Weekly net production of refinery and blender of kerosene type jet fuel measured by thousands of barrels

Kerosene Stocks (KERINV) – Weekly stocks of kerosene measured by thousands of barrels

Electricity Price (POWER) – Monthly price of electricity measured by dollars per kilowatt hour

WTI Spot Crude Price (WTI) – Daily West Texas Intermediate crude spot price in dollars per barrel

Most of the indices are offered in the Department of Energy PADD region and U.S. granularities with some exceptions.

Categories: Inside SONAR, News