TMC20: Decisiv launches Marketplace to improve service provider and customer experiences

Decisiv marketplace

Decisiv Marketplace combines the company’s Service Relationship Management (SRM) solutions and its SRM Ecosystem into a single, shared platform for customers. (Flirk/TruckPR)

Decisiv has launched a new marketplace designed to give maintenance service providers and their customers new tools to improve the entire service relationship process.

Decisiv’s new Marketplace combines its Service Relationship Management (SRM) solutions and its SRM Ecosystem partner solutions and services into a single platform designed for ease and functionality.

“The new Decisiv Marketplace will continue to build on the connectivity that is at the foundation of the success of our SRM Ecosystem,” Dick Hyatt, president and CEO of Decisiv, said. “It will increase visibility into the offerings of our partners and reinforce our collective ability to provide unprecedented levels of improvement in service management and asset performance for fleets, service providers and manufacturers.”

The SRM platform includes more than 40,000 active users, including fleets with a collective seven million assets and over 4,500 dealers and service providers. Once a solution is included in the Marketplace, it will be accessible to this entire user base.

“The Decisiv Marketplace offers a clear competitive advantage to existing SRM Ecosystem partners and potential new clients alike,” Hyatt added. “We are exceptionally proud of the growth that the Decisiv SRM Ecosystem has experienced in the past few years and we look forward to its continued expansion through the new Decisiv Marketplace initiative.”

According to Decisiv, advantages of the Marketplace include:

Fleet and dealer access to an extensive partner ecosystem providing a wide range of integrated services and solutions that enhance the Decisiv SRM experience, improve service event management, and increase asset uptime and performance.

A constant exchange of real-time data, information and insights, and collaboration opportunities that allow participants to benefit from the robust, dynamic and ever-evolving asset and service information management capabilities within the Decisiv SRM Ecosystem.

Critical insights into available technologies that can drive asset performance and the service process to enhance operations and the customer experience.

A competitive advantage for SRM Ecosystem partners via connectivity through Decisiv SRM to strengthen linkages and expand product portfolios across a larger network in existing and new markets.

New revenue and data monetization opportunities for SRM Ecosystem partners by accelerating innovation and product enhancement through the architecture and development capabilities behind the Decisiv SRM Ecosystem.

The Decisiv Marketplace is now live and accessible on desktop and mobile devices. Suppliers interested in becoming part of it must contact Caleb Elliott at

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