Trucking supervisor charged with payment fraud

Hong Kong skyline at night; Photo by David ILIFF License CC BY SA 3.0

Chow Chi-yeung (42), a former logistics supervisor with cross-border trucking services company Extrans International of Hong Kong, has been charged with fraud. 

Chi-Yeung is due to face the West Kowloon Magistracy, Hong Kong, today, Tuesday, October 22. 

It is alleged by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) that Chi-yeung defrauded the company of service payments by inflating parking fees on delivery notes issued by a subcontractor. 

At the time of the alleged offense, Chi-yeung was responsible for selecting contractors for Extrans. ICAC has alleged that Chi-Yeung falsely told Extrans that the total service fees in 31 delivery notes were actually incurred by a contractor.

The HK ICAC further alleges that Chi-yeung “caused and induced” Extrans to issue a check in favor of the contractor. The fees on the delivery notes were “inflated” by HK$200, giving an “inflated sum of $6,200,” the ICAC alleged. 

The ICAC does not comment or provide any further detail of cases that are in the legal process.

Photo: Hong Kong image licence

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