U.S. Department of Transportation seeks public comment on automated technologies testing


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration are considering removing “unnecessary regulatory barriers” to the introduction of automated driving systems.

The government entities are currently seeking comments ahead of making any policy changes.

“One of the Department’s priorities is to prepare for the future by engaging with new technology while addressing legitimate public concerns about safety, security and privacy, without hampering innovation,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao.

Both organizations are seeking comments to better understand how rule changes to account for differences between human drives and automated systems, including hours of service rules.



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“FMCSA is hoping to receive feedback from commercial motor vehicle stakeholders and the motoring public on how the agency should adapt its regulations for the development of increased automated driving systems in large trucks and buses. We know that while many of these technologies are still in development, it is critical that we carefully examine how to make federal rules keep up with this advancing technology,” said FMCSA Administrator Raymond P. Martinez.

Both notices will have a 60-day comment period.

An advance copy of the FMCSA document is available here:  https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/newsroom/safe-integration-automated-driving-systems-equipped-commercial-motor-vehicles.

An advance copy of the NHTSA document is available here:  http://www.nhtsa.gov/links/ads_barriers_anprm-05222019.pdf.

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