Bipartisan support to address the truck parking issue? – WTT?!? [with video]

The truck parking problem ranks third on driver complaints, behind only compensation and hours-of-service.

Could AB5 going nationwide spell doom for trucking? WHAT THE TRUCK?!?

It’s snowing in Chattanooga, but none of it’s sticking. You know what else isn’t sticking? How about the bill on Thursday that effectively would nationalize the provisions within California’s AB5 law, which severely constricts the ability of companies to hire independent contractors? It made it through the House, but won’t make it through the Senate. No way, no how. 

In other news, Senate Bill 1530 is a new version of legislation that failed to pass last year, and this year hundreds of truck drivers showed up at the Oregon Capitol on Thursday to protest the bill. The bill would put a price on carbon emissions, and exposes the deep divide in the state between mostly urban new economy businesses championing strong action on greenhouse gas emissions, and the rural communities who say the bill is a threat to their livelihoods.

But wait, there’s actually a bipartisan bill. That’s right, dogs and cats are kissing in the streets and pigs are flying. Both OOIDA and ATA support a measure to create a dedicated pool of competitive grant funding for new truck parking capacity that will be introduced in Congress in the coming weeks. What could this bill possibly be about? Parking! There needs to be more dedicated asphalt, and everyone seems to agree. Parking ranks third on driver issues that concern truckers, only behind compensation and hours-of-service.

Cassandra “Mad” Gaines, transportation attorney, discusses noncompetes, and advises us on the current case of Steven Tu and how he seems to be in deep water with C.H. Robinson.

Kevin “King of the” Hill gives us the reasons behind why the DHL Supply Chain Power Pricing Index continues its downward trend. Dooner and Hill also celebrate the beginning of a whole new show. Put That Coffee Down has only just begun to speak to the under-represented segment of sales in the logistics industry.

Veteran co-host, JP Hampstead, returns to celebrate our 150th broadcast, and ends up giving us the bad news about Coyote shuttering operations in Chattanooga.

When it comes to the movement of freight on the ocean’s highways, and what the impact of the coronavirus is having on the industry, look no further than CNBC Business News’ Lori Ann LaRocco. When we finally lasso her on the phone, she doesn’t disappoint.  

Did you know? 

A survey conducted by Convey, a last-mile delivery IT provider, found that 24% of respondents had negative views of Amazon’s impact on the retail industry, while 27% felt “very or somewhat” negative about the company’s effect on the environment. However, 21% of respondents who worried about Amazon’s impact on the retail sector still bought half of their goods on its site. About 24% who thought Amazon’s behavior was damaging to the environment still bought half their stuff there.

As always, thanks for tuning in to the What the Truck?!? community, and for helping make us a top-20 podcast in Business News on iTunes!

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