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Portbase to offer PORTRIX’s VGM data solution

Dutch non-profit port community organization Portbase is partnering with PORTRIX LOGISTIC SOFTWARE to deliver the latter’s verified gross mass (VGM) application to its customers in the Netherlands, the companies said in a joint statement.

   Portbase, a non-profit organization that operates a port community system in the Netherlands, is partnering with PORTRIX LOGISTIC SOFTWARE (PLS) to deliver what the two firms are calling a “one-stop” verified gross mass (VGM) data solution for the Dutch shipping community.
   Under the partnership, Portbase will offer PLS’s VGM application to its customers in an effort to help them comply with SOLAS regulations, which require a shipper to have all containers in a given shipment weighed by an authorized party and provide that information to the carrier, terminal operator and other stakeholders prior to it being loaded on to a vessel.
   According to Portbase, PLS’ VGM application “captures all relevant data before automatically, and securely, sharing it electronically with carriers – thus ensuring legal obligations are fulfilled and containers are not left standing on the docks.”
   “Portbase connects the players in the Dutch logistics market, enabling everyone in the logistics chain to share and access relevant information,” Henning Voss, co-founder and CEO of Hamburg-based PLS, said of the partnership. “VGM data is now a key element of that eco-system, and by integrating our application into Portbase’s service, Notification Verified Gross Mass, they have a simple means of exchanging it, instantly connecting forwarders to every conceivable carrier they wish to partner with.”
   “Portbase is pleased to work together with PORTRIX LOGISTIC SOFTWARE on the VGM application,” added Portbase Managing Director Iwan van der Wolf. “It helps our community in their logistic processes and contributes to safer transport over sea.”