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Tesla to manufacture driverless ‘platooning’ semi-trucks

The electric automaker is making good on its CEO’s tweet in April by producing autonomous semi-trucks that will also “platoon,” following a lead truck in formation, according to a report from Reuters news service.

Photo: Chesky /
Tesla semi-trucks may have “platooning” technology that will allow for fewer drivers.

   Electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Inc., is developing a self-driving semi-truck that can also move in platoons by automatically following a lead vehicle, according to a report from Reuters news service.
   The vehicle in “getting closer to prototype” in Nevada, said Reuters. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, first announced his intentions to produce a heavy-duty electric truck last year and tweeted in April that the semi-truck would be unveiled in September 2017. Rueters found out that Tesla is in talks with both the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and California DMV regarding road tests and efforts with autonomous trucks.
   The autonomous semi-truck idea is being pursued not only by Tesla, but also by Uber Technologies Inc., and Alphabet Inc’s Waymo, said Reuters. However, Tesla has led the pack in autonomous technology, particularly in cars.
   As profiled in American Shipper’s June magazine story, “Tech firms full speed ahead on autonomous trucking,” companies such as Peloton Technology are working on “platooning” technology, with automobile manufactures like Volvo, to improve safety and efficiency of long-haul trucks. 
   Should Tesla get the okay from Nevada DMV to test drive autonomous trucks, it will be the first driver-less truck to make a test drive in the state. Reuters states that while, Nevada officials confirmed the meeting with Tesla had occurred, Tesla had not yet applied for a license.