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Ayala manages Crowley’s Puerto Rico operations

Ayala manages CrowleyÆs Puerto Rico operations

   Crowley Maritime Corp. has promoted Jose “Pache” Ayala to general manager of operations for its liner services group in Puerto Rico.

   Ayala will direct port operations, equipment control, information technology and materials management, and will have responsibilities in finance and administration. He will be based in San Juan and will report to Rudy Leming, Crowley’s vice president of marine and terminal operations in Jacksonville, Fla.

   In October 2009, Ayala was promoted to director of labor relations for the East Coast-Caribbean terminal operations, after serving as intermodal manager in Jacksonville. Prior to that he served as president of the Teamsters for five years in San Juan and two years as vice president. He also spent 12 years with Crowley in the late 1980s-90s in barge operations.