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U.S. supports India cold chain

U.S. supports India cold chain

   The U.S. Trade and Development Agency will support a reverse trade mission for 12 business and government representatives from India to the United State focused on introducing modern cold chain technologies and U.S. practices and standards.

   Although India is the second-largest producer of food in the world, USTDA said the country lacks a comprehensive and efficient cold chain network.

   “This reverse trade mission will help facilitate the modernization and further development of India's cold chain transportation infrastructure that is vital to India’s national food security and safety,” said Leocadia I. Zak, USTDA director, in a statement.

   Attendance at the Annual Convention of the International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses/World Food Logistics Organization in April-May 2011 at New Orleans will be a cornerstone of the mission. In addition, the Indian delegation will make site visits to U.S. equipment manufacturers and cold storage facilities, meet with U.S. industry associations, and hold discussions with U.S. government officials to maximize exposure to U.S. best practices, standards and technologies.