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Intercargo warns about liquefaction of bulk cargo

Bulk shipping group issues warning after sinking of Bulk Jupiter.

   The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (Intercargo) repeated warnings about the dangers associated with the carriage of bulk cargoes that may have a potential for liquefaction.
   It pointed to the recent capsizing and sinking of the Bahamas flag Bulk Jupiter and the loss of 18 of its 19 crew.
   That disaster “may again prove to be yet another casualty statistic in the long list of bulk carrier losses caused by cargo liquefaction. The ship had reportedly loaded a cargo of Bauxite at Kuantan, Malaysia,” said Intercargo in a statement.
   Intercargo said it welcomed swift and thorough investigation into the sinking.
   The group has repeatedly expressed concern over the need for increased care and vigilance when bulk cargoes that have the potential for liquefaction are to be carried, and has achieved success through IMO towards improved testing and verification of the carriage conditions for iron ore fines and nickel ore cargoes.
   “Bauxite appears to be another cargo that now requires the increased vigilance necessary to ensure safe carriage conditions are validated and maintained,” Intercargo said.

Chris Dupin

Chris Dupin has written about trade and transportation and other business subjects for a variety of publications before joining American Shipper and Freightwaves.