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Homebase renews K + N contract

Homebase renews K + N contract

   U.K.-based home improvement retailer Homebase has renewed its contract with Kuehne + Nagel to provide direct to store logistics during the pre- and post-Christmas season, the logistics company said Monday.

   Homebase, Britain's second-largest home improvement chain, will use K + N's 'Direct to Store' program as it did in 2008. The program allows the company to bypass U.K. distribution centers and have seasonal stock delivered directly from origin, in store-ready pallets, to more than 300 Homebase retail stores in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

   Homebase sources more than 1.6 million retail units from 10 factories in southern China. K + N will consolidate the bulk orders from these factories at its origin warehouse in Yantian, South China, into pallets or pallet boxes of stock designed to ensure that products can be unloaded quickly and easily by the store staff. Pallets are loaded into store-specific containers that are shipped to the individual stores.

   'We chose Kuehne + Nagel for two key reasons: one, they delivered a fantastic service on the scheme in 2008; two, the quality of their Christmas 2008 post-project review gives us confidence that they can partner us to drive even higher levels of customer service this year,' said Tim Standen, general manager for inbound supply chain at Homebase, in a statement.