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AIIS: U.S. steel exports continue showing mixed results in May

The United States saw steel export volumes in May rise 1.1 percent from April, but fall 7.7 percent from May 2015, according to the American Institute for International Steel.

   The United States exported 803,464 net tons of steel in May, inching up 1.1 percent from April, but 7.7 percent below May 2015 levels, according to the American Institute for International Steel.
   U.S. steel exports to Canada inched up 1.4 percent year-over-year in May to 414,398 net tons. Meanwhile, the U.S. exported 304,578 net tons of steel to Mexico and 25,227 net tons of steel to the European Union during the month, a year-over-year drop of 2.9 percent and 6.6 percent, respectively.
   Overall, for the first five months of 2016, the U.S. exported 3.93 million net tons of steel, a 10.9 percent decline from the corresponding period in 2015.