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Ohio agency finds evidence of racial discrimination at UPS facility

The Ohio Civil Rights Commission has determined there is probable cause in 25 complaints of racial discrimination and harassment at a UPS distribution center in Maumee, Ohio, local Ohio news source The Blade reported.

   Repeated racial comments and acts have been reported at a UPS distribution center in Maumee, Ohio, according to the Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC).
   The commission said that over 20 UPS employees have filed discrimination and harassment complaints over several years, including complaints regarding racially charged comments and text messages, and nooses and confederate flags in the workplace.
   The commission has determined that 25 complaints have probable cause, local Ohio news source The Blade reported.
   The Blade obtained a copy of the commission’s report via a public records request, which said that it is likely the UPS center engaged in unlawful discriminatory practices.
   As a result, the OCRC issued a consent order that calls for an equal employment officer to train employees, establish regular sessions for staff on anti-discrimination laws, and notify the commission within 30 days of hiring any supervisor or promoting a current employee to that role.
    In a statement to American Shipper, UPS said it “will not tolerate
any demeaning workplace misconduct. We value and respect the diversity of our
workforce and reinforce with training and discussion. UPS disputes the cause
determination by the Ohio Civil Rights Commission and has filed a motion for
reconsideration. That positions UPS and the OCRC for further discussion that
will lead to a resolution to sustain UPS training and a positive UPS workplace.”