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Ride the lightning: The future of fuels

On today’s episode Dooner and The Dude are coming to you live from day 5 at Global Supply Chain Week.

Darren Epps, sr. director of advanced vehicle technology at Ryder System joins the show to get us plugged in to EV technology. We can’t talk about EVs without talking about charging? Which comes first?

Nate Shutes, host of The Bootstrappers Guide to Logistics talks about entrepreneurship in freight. 

John Kingston, editor at large at FreightWaves talks about pain at the pump, what a Russia/Ukraine conflict means for oil and which fuel will win out in trucking?

Plus, congestion mounts at Port of Charleston, Port of Los Angeles adds container storage, trucking wants a seat at the table for EV talks and what’s Coke’s new beverage taste like?

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Timothy Dooner

Dooner is an award-winning podcaster who hosts and produces FreightWaves' WHAT THE TRUCK?!? In under a year he helped build FreightCasts, the world’s largest logistics and supply chain podcast network in media. WTT is ranked in Apple Podcasts top-20 Business News podcasts. He also writes a newsletter of the same title with over 15k subscribers in the supply chain and trucking niche. Dooner has been in freight since 2005 and has held directors positions in operations, sales, consulting, and marketing. He has worked with FedEx, Reebok, Adidas, L.L. Bean, Hasbro, Louis Vuitton, and many more high level clients across the full spectrum of the supply chain. He was a featured speaker at TEDx Chattanooga.