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Michigan trucker gets 10 years in prison for setting semi-trailer fires

Truck driver went on ‘national campaign of revenge’ against carrier, US attorney says

(Photo: U.S. Department of Justice)

A previous version of this story incorrectly referred to Pricop as a former Swift employee. The story has been updated to reflect that he was not employed by Swift.

A Michigan truck driver who was found guilty of setting Swift Transportation equipment on fire as part of a personal vendetta against the company has been sentenced to more than a decade in federal prison.

Viorel Pricop, 66, of Allen Park, was sentenced Friday to 10 years and one month in prison for setting six semi-trailers ablaze in California’s Inland Empire region and High Desert during a 10-month span. Judge Sunshine S. Sykes of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California also ordered Pricop to pay more than $648,000 in restitution. 

Investigators say Pricop set fire to at least 24 semi-trailers belonging to Swift Transportation in eight states after he was convicted in 2018 of transporting stolen cargo, according to court documents. The stolen cargo case stemmed from an investigation conducted by Swift.

“This defendant was given a second chance but chose to throw it away and go on a national campaign of revenge,” said U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada in a statement. “By setting fire to trailer after trailer with the drivers inside the trucks, he recklessly put people’s lives at risk. Violent recidivist criminals such as this defendant will only be deterred with consequences and the sentence imposed today does just that.”

The fire spree began in 2020, court records say. Authorities say Pricop set the other fires in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and Alabama, mostly along Interstates 10 and 40. Drivers were sometimes asleep in their trucks when the fires were set, but no injuries were reported.

He also faces charges in New Mexico and Arizona. 

Cell tower data near some of the fires revealed that a navigation device installed in a commercial tractor-style truck had connected to the towers around the times of the fires. Law enforcement officials determined the device was installed on a vehicle operated by Pricop, prosecutors said.

Authorities executed search warrants on Pricop’s tractor-trailer, personal vehicle and residence, where they discovered a gas torch, torch-style lighters, and record-keeping documents containing location information, such as cargo pickup and delivery dates which coincided with the time and location of several fires.


  1. David Fink

    Swift claimed I damaged one of there trucks when that’s the way I received it from them. They had no other trucks to drive. Good thing I got it in writing. But they had already reported it on my driver hire info. Had to get there Corp. Lawyers and the Pres of Swift involved. They did give me a letter in the end stating the truck had previous damage. But no one would hire me until they saw the letter. Swift finally took off my driver info as well. Took about 3 months in all. And to all Trk Drivers. We were screwed the second they put us in Exempt Status. Many, many years ago. No reason for it now except to keep our pay down. Even though it causes many many lives. The Govt just doesn’t care. There $ comes first. But we all know this.

  2. Mario C Garcia

    Do 2 wrongs make a right? What he did was put himself and others in danger so, he was sentenced to his 2 wrongs. He didn’t believe in 2nd chances. As for Swift being a Bad Big Company, I don’t see that because they are a 2nd Chance Company and do a lot for employees that many don’t see. I have heard first hand from those who received help in time of need and Drivers who learned from Swift. No Company is perfect and No one says they are. We all make mistakes but don’t take revenge on the past. I’m sorry to hear he was sentenced and faces more from other States but he chose that path no one else did. Prayers to his Family and Friends.

  3. Christopher Montgomery

    A slam dunk, records of trailer deliveries (what is this everything is electronic data, who uses paperwork to track trailers)
    Torch and lighters evidence, (really, he doesn’t smoke, repairs wires, does plumbing?)
    66 year old man ( serious put all in debt on broken down old ass man.)
    It’s easy for the company’s Swift to setup a lone ex employee.
    SWIFT GOT A BAD INSPECTION RATING FOR YEARS. Few year back the DOT would shut down a scale house to inspect a swift.
    Company forced drivers to lumper Swift loads.
    You only get bottom dollar. Call and ask Swift isn’t a saint.
    Work with or for Swift is borderline, 14 amendment slavery.
    What you don’t think big companies don’t crush small time employees?

    We need camera footage to place a suspect as the scene of a crime.
    We need witnesses statements, to place suspect as scene of a crime.
    Not Swift in house investigating a lone ex employee, then giving information to law enforcement for a case.

  4. Gary D Paine

    Joe, I am confused, you complain about deregulation and then complain about the government being involved. We are significantly better off post deregulation. The ELD situation is different, they got that wrong. The industry is quite capable of regulating itself.
    The post was about a thief and dangerous criminal, he belongs in jail. No amount of gov. regulation will force someone to steal cargo.

  5. Joe

    What did the industry do to this man! Like all others screwed Him! I don’t blame this ole Boy! As a Trucker myself we are all screwed cause of our lovely Government! The Government has been slowly screwing the Transportation Industry for many years! Started with Deregulation then 2000 making Companies go computerized! Making Truckers have to maneuver breaks! As a Trucker that is no easy task with this here and now Generation! Truckers are the Back bone of this Nation! You corrupt Government got Greedy! And you tore the Industry up! Never let the Government get involved in changing the Private sector or as you all can see the outcome is always Decimation! I’m sorry fellow Truckers you never deserved any of this! Keep your eyes to the Heavens! Jesus is soon to judge all these wretched Sheeple!! Mark my words! We have less than 7 years! Repent and kneel to a true King!! Jesus Christ of the Nazarene!

  6. Stephen Ragland

    Should get CDL revoked and banned from getting CDL again, fined for life for damages to freight and trailers of the driver’s who lost the load to this “criminal’ and Definitely be charged with attempted murder for occupied tractors, which should equal to life in prison with chance a death penalty.

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Brinley Hineman

Brinley Hineman covers general assignment news. She previously worked for the USA TODAY Network, Newsday and The Messenger. She is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University and is from West Virginia. She lives in Brooklyn with her poodle Franklin.