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VIDEO: Drivers voice frustrations with FMCSA enforcement

Agency says during meeting at MATS that it’s focused on fairness and due process

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Pressing regulatory concerns, including English proficiency requirements for drivers and the issuance of non-domiciled CDLs to asylum-seekers, took center stage Thursday during the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration leadership meeting at the Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS).

Attendees voiced frustration over enforcement inconsistencies and the perceived lack of clear policy direction. Those issues, along with broader discussions on regulatory fairness, fraud prevention and technological advancements, underscored the trucking community’s demand for more definitive action from the agency.

The two panelists, FMCSA Chief Counsel Jesse Elison and Department of Transportation Director of Public Liaison Ben Siegrist, outlined FMCSA’s focus areas under the second Trump administration. Those include a renewed emphasis on enforcement fairness and due process, ensuring that inspections and investigations are evidence-based and consistent across jurisdictions. They also discussed a deregulatory approach aligned with the Trump administration’s policy of eliminating 10 regulations for every new one introduced. 

Another key focus area was technological advancements, with FMCSA looking to leverage tools such as its upcoming Motus platform, a new ID verification system, to streamline compliance and prevent fraud. The system was announced at a closed breakfast meeting. The platform, developed in collaboration with tech provider Idemia, aims to modernize regulatory compliance by offering features seen in online banking applications.

However, in the absence of implementation details, many industry members said they wanted more concrete commitments to addressing their unique challenges.

Todd Spencer, president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, asked what actions FMCSA takes when it identifies a bad actor based in another country that has been given operating authority to operate in the U.S. Elison responded that when the agency has sufficient information, it can revoke the company’s license and registration, refer those cases to both state and federal criminal agencies, and cancel operating authorities.

He acknowledged that while there have been successful prosecutions, including a recent case in Rochester, New York, the scale of fraud remains extensive. Elison noted that direct carriers are particularly vulnerable and often have to act in real time with local law enforcement.

One of the most passionately debated topics during the session was the enforcement of English proficiency requirements for commercial drivers. Elison said the agency enforces the regulation but acknowledged that enforcement ultimately falls to Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance inspectors, not FMCSA agents directly.

Audience members challenged this assertion, arguing that drivers who fail to meet English proficiency requirements are not consistently placed out of service. Elison conceded that the issue remains unresolved but said it will get further attention in the near future.

Another major concern raised was the issuance of non-domiciled CDLs to asylum-seekers. Audience members questioned whether these individuals undergo proper vetting before being granted commercial driving privileges. Elison acknowledged the issue but pointed out that CDLs are issued at the state level, not directly by the FMCSA. He pushed back against claims that asylum-seekers are receiving CDLs without vetting.

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  1. This whole interaction was pointless and useless as usual. FMCSA finger points to the states, the states “fingerpoint” to the federal government and nothing every gets rectified. So many times drivers will “sail” past regulations l, rules and the law due to a lack of enforcement agents from the FMCSA. FMCSA is the regulatory enforcement division for the trucking industry “well, FMCSA” Enforce the regulations and liaison with state and local law enforcement. I’m not understanding how the enforcement arms of the DOT keeps getting away with NOT being able to enforce what they are charged with

  2. Avatar for Heathen Heathen says:

    Who are these drivers?
    We do not care about any of this stuff. None of it affects our businesses. We care about rates, brokers, and blatant price gouging.
    Broker shares can’t be regulated because capitalism, but our productivity abilities are regulated beyond any other industry. Brokers paying 40% of freight pay is the root cause of these violations, as truckers cannot consistently afford the repairs that shops are gouging us with.
    I was towed in to a Freightliner when my clutch went out. They quoted 4k for the clutch. I ordered the same clutch from another freightliner, 300 miles away, for $1,800. Shops are gouging us when we have no other perceivable options. Brokers control the freight industry, and we are dying because of them.
    Why can we never discuss the real problems that are putting trucks out of business? It’s always truckers hating truckers. Damned planted questions instead of real issues.

  3. These forums often provide interesting information and raise genuine questions or issues; but they seem to only frustrate stakeholders more. I’ve often checked on the government website for indications of hiring more FMCSA Officers and investigators, but rarely see anything. They have no where near enough personnel to enforce their endless rules- so they simply don’t get enforced. Speaking English should be a number one priority for drivers- instead it is simply overlooked and largely ignored. If safety is the ultimate goal, it can never be achieved if the rules and mandates cannot be interpreted by those that should be following them.
    As for the fellow that claims no one cares about this, I would vehemently argue that many, many people care about this. If he does not, perhaps he is part of the problem.