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Onboarding New Drivers – The Right Way


Shepard Dunn – TPP Profitability Consultant

For years I’ve heard from drivers, staff & management about what’s right & what’s wrong with orientation for new drivers. It’s a Tricky Slope that takes precision & consistency every week of the year. After all, we’re dealing with people & they all want different things. Or do they?

  • First Impressions are everything, you don’t get do-overs! So, get it right & do it week after week.

  • It’s the first great opportunity to put your best foot forward & directly impact driver turnover early in the process.

  • Do you need new driver orientation? You bet you do, it’s the one chance you must set the record straight about your company.

  • What signals are you sending drivers? The message received may not be the message sent.

  • The Tricky Slope is perception (wants) vs reality (needs).

    • Wants – Respect, Trust & Successful Career

    • Needs – Do they align with Wants? Not always…but they should.

  • What’s your curriculum? Review it, Challenge it, Streamline it, Often. Are we inundating new drivers with too much information. How many times have you heard from someone state “…. they cover that in orientation, don’t they?” A human being can only retain so much. Yet, we think just because we talked about it, they get it. As you know, that’s not the case. Review what’s important, then talk about it over & over.

  • Find ways to interact with the driver rather than just lecture.

  • Right Facilitator? Are they Professional? Who’s the Back-up?

  • Not all Orientations should be the same, New Drivers, Trainees – extra training, Rehires – quick exit, I/C’s. Tailor each for their needs.

  • Focus on what you DO want, rather on what you DON’T want.

  • First Impression should set the Tone of Culture for the company. You’re Important to us, We Want you to be Successful, Welcome to the Family. Say What you Do, Do What you say

  • Involve the Family & provide Resources to them to Navigate the Company.

  • Ask for Feedback after the Process. Periodically insert a Mystery Driver to Evaluate. Then Listen….

If we work hard to keep the drivers we have, then do we really have a shortage of drivers? After all, they want the same thing you do – Respect, Trust & to be Successful. // 812-887-9600