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Awarded one of the 15 Most Promising Tech Logistics Startups of 2019, Carggo is a revolutionary digital logistics company with a singular mission–to reshape freight transportation by hauling the industry into the digital age. We use data science and machine learning to bring shippers and carriers together with instant and guaranteed prices and booking opportunities and real-time status updates and alerts.

In addition to instantly booking loads at guaranteed prices, Shippers and 3PLs can also access our web app to also gain data-driven intelligence and insights to improve their supply chain operations. Carriers can instantly find the loads they want, get recommendations based on behaviors, preferences, and lifestyle, and get paid faster. Access our advanced technology via our free mobile app, web app, or through direct integrations. Learn more at

Mary Anne Hensley Sunday, September 1, 2019

Pushing Past the Plateau: How Freight Brokerages Can Scale to Prepare for Optimal Growth

Scaling for growth within the rapidly transforming freight industry is a challenge for the majority of brokers. Unstructured processes, under-utilization of technology, and ad-hoc recruiting and training often hold companies back from reaching the next phase of growth. Without scalable processes and technologies in place, however, many brokers will find themselves stuck and unable to […]

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