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Peace of Mind for Your Cargo


To discuss how this model can enable companies to process cargo insurance requests faster and store necessary certificates and documentation within their systems, FreightWaves will be partnering with Magaya to host an hour-long webinar on Tuesday, November 26 at 2pm ET.

Planning Ahead: How Shippers Can Prep for Post-Coronavirus


In the midst of a black swan event, it is difficult for shippers to see beyond the fog and plan for what to do when the chaos subsides. American Shipper has partnered with Haven on a webinar to discuss the state of shippers as it relates to the coronavirus and what measures they can take now to equip themselves for the containment of the virus and the opening of ports.

Webinar: How The Home Depot Optimizes Freight Shipping for Resiliency & Flexibility

A dramatic shift away from services and toward goods brought a surge in demand for The Home Depot products. With freight capacity strained, the team at The Home Depot strengthened efforts to earn shipper-of-choice status from carriers, reduced inefficiencies from their supply chain, and worked with Loadsmart to further flexibility and resiliency. Loadsmart and The […]