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10 exercises for truckers at rest stops

Bodyweight and cardio exercises provide range of benefits

(Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

Exercising while at rest stops and gas stations is a great way for truckers to stay healthy and keep moving. Here are some exercises chosen for truckers because they are effective and require little equipment, space and time.

Walking lunges

It’s easy for drivers to find space to do walking lunges around their truck or at rest stops. Truckers should try to keep the angles between their thighs and calves at 90 degrees to protect knees and ensure an effective workout.

Walking lunge demonstration


There are a myriad of exercises truckers can do to build strength and endurance with just one or two pieces of equipment. Here are over 50 kettlebell exercises. Here are 30 dumbbell exercises to choose from.

Kettlebell demonstration

Tricep dips

Truckers can find somewhere on the side of a truck or curb for a few dozen tricep dips. Drivers should avoid dipping their shoulders below elbows to help prevent shoulder injuries. 

Tricep dip demonstration


Planks are some of the most effective full-body exercises. They keep cores strong and could help counteract the hours spent sitting behind the wheel. 

Plank demonstration


Squats work body parts that are otherwise stagnant while drivers are on the road. They don’t require any equipment or much space. Some truckers might find room in the cabin to do squats or some of these other exercises. To protect knees, drivers should keep their knees from extending forward past their toes while squatting.

Squat demonstration

Jumping jacks

This classic workout provides serious cardio benefits for drivers, such as weight control and reduced stress levels. Modified jumping jacks can protect knees and ankles for truckers with a history of joint pain or injuries.

Jumping jack demonstration

Calf raises

Calf raises can be done almost anywhere. Holding something heavy such as a kettlebell or dumbbells can make calf raises more effective for building muscle.

Calf raise demonstration


There are many variations of pushups that focus on different muscle groups. Most pushups work primarily the biceps, triceps and abdominal muscles. Drivers should look for even ground and bring a mat or towel for exercises such as pushups, situps and planks.

Pushup demonstration


According to Healthline, situps can improve muscle mass, keep cores strong and improve posture. When doing traditional situps, truckers should keep their feet planted on the ground and avoid pulling on their necks during each situp.

Situp demonstration


Truckers can jog in place if they don’t have much space. Alternatively, they can jog around their truck or around rest stop areas. Jogging can help manage blood pressure and strengthen heart muscles.

Jogging demonstration

Anyone who is changing exercising habits should start out slowly, adding more time and difficulty to workouts over time as their body gets used to working out more intensely. Depending on the type of exercise, stretching before and after can be a good way to prevent injuries.

Drivers should consult a doctor before changing their exercise habits.

Click here for more FreightWaves articles by Alyssa Sporrer.

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