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Give Thanks!


By: Shepard Dunn, Consultant, TCA Profitability Program

During a leadership webinar I presented on last week one of the things I mentioned was that there’s nothing like a crisis to bring things into perspective. While it seems that we can’t see anything at all during a time like this, I just personally experienced some clarity.

On Wednesday, April 8th at approximately 9:30 p.m., my small town in SW Indiana experienced straight line winds that did some real destruction. During the accompanying storm, you could see trees being extracted by their roots from the ground, torrential rains and extreme winds – a very scary moment.  As I walked around my downtown block after the storm, I spoke with others who were out assessing the damage; each person spoke to each other, ensured their wellbeing, etc.  Typical damage included downed trees, light poles, streetlights, roof damage and the 3rd floor of a school was just about gone.

When the sun rose on Thursday morning, I packed my tools and work clothes, and headed to my son’s house to help with the cleanup. Like many others in town, we had lots of work to be done. Still today as I write there is no power in many parts of the county. 

You may be wondering what this has to do with trucking?

In times of need, people gather to help each other without even asking. They don’t ask what you need; they just show up and start working. When this country began suffering from this virus that continues to consume us, many people showed up to help. And they are all still at their posts, doing what they do best. Whether that’s your front line; truck drivers, mechanics, operations folks that continue taking the calls and scheduling the freight. Or maybe it’s a vendor that is feeding your employees or a bank that is bending over backwards to help you during this time of need. In your businesses, you know who those folks are.

We all get busy trying to save our companies, jobs, and focus too much on all the negative going on around us. Take the time TODAY to reflect on what you have accomplished since this terrible virus has taken over our lives. Make sure you say “THANKS” to those that are standing right next to you, in the middle of the day and wee hours of the night. We are so blessed to be part of wonderful industry that supports every individual in this country in one way or another.

From my little community in SW Indiana, even after such a horrific night last week, it is with utmost appreciation and respect to say THANK YOU, for what you do, to better our country, your people, my life.


Shepard Dunn
