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85-year-old Indiana trucking company files for Chapter 11

Elmer Buchta Trucking seeks to reorganize, has 100 drivers, 230 power units

Indiana-based Elmer Buchta Trucking and its entities recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

An 85-year-old Indiana-based trucking and logistics company and its affiliates recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection less than nine months after it was acquired by private-equity firm Transport Acquisitions. 

Founded in 1938, Otwell, Indiana-based Elmer Buchta Trucking, which offers bulk, dry van and pneumatic trucking services, has 100 drivers and more than 230 power units, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s SAFER website. 

No reason was given as to why the entities were forced to file for bankruptcy protection. 

Transport Acquisitions purchased the trucking company and its affiliates in January from the Wright Family Investment Group, which bought the entities in 2008.

In court filings, Transport Acquisitions and ElenaRose Capital are jointly listed as the lead bankruptcy case as both have ownership in the entities. Besides Elmer Buchta Trucking, the petition lists two other entities in its Chapter 11 filing, Buchta Leasing LLC of Princeton, Indiana, and WBF LLC, of Otwell, Indiana. WBF has five power units and four drivers and hauls liquids and gases, according to the FMCSA website. 

The petition, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana on Sept. 8, lists Louis Capolino of Apollo, Florida, as president and manager of the entities.

Elmer Buchta Trucking lists its assets as between $1 million and $10 million and its liabilities as between $10 million and $50 million. The petition lists the number of creditors as up to 199 but states that funds will be available to unsecured creditors once it pays administrative fees. 

The two largest secured creditors listed in the petition are KTB Equity Inc. of Evansville, Indiana, and Peapack Capital of Morristown, New Jersey, owed about $22 million apiece for the entities’ equipment.

Attorney Weston E. Overturf, of Kroger, Gardis & Regas LLP of Indianapolis, did not respond to FreightWaves’ request seeking comment.

Among the trucking and logistics company’s top unsecured creditors are Buchta Leasing, owed more than $684,000; National Interstate Insurance of Richfield, Ohio, owed nearly $751,000; and Heritage Petroleum of Evansville, owed over $128,000. 

The petition lists that the Internal Revenue Service in Indianapolis is owed nearly $36,000 for payroll taxes. 

Prior to filing for bankruptcy, Capolino received $325,000 from January to August, according to court documents. A creditors meeting is set for Oct. 10. 

Click here to read more articles by Clarissa Hawes.

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  1. TTL

    sorry but as an Canadian owner/operator, we are close to shutting down – there just is not the loads to move. Our agent is on the board every day, early morning to late night and there is little to anything on the board. the few runs that are there are paying a $1 a mile which doesn’t cover all our costs and normally there are hundreds of miles deadhead at our expense – I want to know who can afford to run at those rates and where are the runs. We end up sitting for days waiting on a run to get back home as we are not allowed to interstate

  2. Andrew Wilson

    what are you talking about, after paying my drivers, truck, fuel, insurance, ETC I am left with about $100 weekly right now, One blown tire and i’m negative per truck.
    It’s Very easy to go bankrupt right now, all it takes is for some of your trucks to break down, and some to have some cancelled loads and you lose acouple days of income, BAM, Can’t make next payment, and it’s a domino affect from there.

    Diesel is at it’s all time high, cost to operate is at an all time high, The Pay Per Rate, is at a 5 year low.
    You don’t seem to know what you are speaking about.

  3. Spencer

    That’s probably why they have to file for bankruptcy… they can’t afford the legal fees caused by bad drivers. In this climate there’s really no excuse for a trucking company to go bankrupt… unless of course they’ve been over paying their executives, which seems to be a common thing these days. The employees and creditors are the ones who will lose out, while the fat cat execs go home to a giant nest egg.

  4. Mad Hatter

    Absolutely without a doubt THE WORST truck drivers on the road. I’ve encountered many horrible truck drivers on the roads over my years in southern Indiana- speeding and tailgating most- and almost every time it says Elmer Buchta in red lettering on the door. Horrible and unsafe drivers. A state trooper buddy of mine said the same thing.

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