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Amber Road ramps up for PGA data mandates

The global trade management software provider has focused recent enhancements on allowing users to more easily adapt to fast-changing data requirements of CBP’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) single window initiative.

   The global trade management software provider Amber Road said Wednesday that has expanded support on its platform to account for the new import filing requirements under the U.S. Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)’s single window for partner government agencies (PGAs).
   Importers are now required on behalf of PGAs to declare and file potentially hundreds of new data elements with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the time of admission into the country.
   “Many countries are moving to the single window concept, which will require both accurate and real-time information to be presented to customs at time of entry,” said Nathan Pieri, chief product officer for Amber Road. “This places an incredible burden on the importer related to the collection and maintenance of these compliance-related data elements. In fact, one of the PGAs requires over 450 validations.”
   Amber Road said it has focused recent enhancements to its import solution on data management tools that allow for more efficiently management of rapid changes in PGA-specific reporting requirements.
   “Without the need to utilize technical resources for assistance, new data management tools allow compliance managers to quickly identify changes and apply mass-updates to their products and transactions accordingly,” the company said.