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AMSA bans cargo ship from Australian ports

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority banned an Indonesian cargo ship from entering or using any port in Australia for three months.

   The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) announced it banned the Noah Satu from entering or using any port in Australia for three months after it was detained for a fourth time by the authority since Aug. 2013.
   The most recent detention occurred Sept. 14 at Port Alma, Queensland.
   The vessel will be able to return to Australian ports Dec. 16., 2015.
   All four detentions identified serious and repetitive operational and maintenance failings in which the AMSA determined the vessel did not comply with the Safety of Life at Sea Convention and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.
   The Noah Satu is a 3,455-dwt. general cargo ship registered in Indonesia. It is owned by PT Anugerah Samudra Indomakmur and operated by PT Adnyana.
   The Noah Satu is the fifth vessel to be banned from Australian ports under the Navigation Act 2012, which took effect July 2013.