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GSCW chat recap: Suddath’s Lockwood on the consumer as the final mile

‘There’s so many supply chains looking for how to really retool and redesign how they get their goods to the market’

This fireside chat recap is from Day 1 of FreightWaves’ Global Supply Chain Week. Day 1 focuses on the military, aerospace and manufacturing.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Last-mile delivery networks for manufacturers

DETAILS: More and more delivery is cutting out the warehouses, distribution centers and retailers and going direct from the manufacturer to the consumer.

SPEAKER: Andrew Lockwood, senior manager of solutions design at
Suddath Global Logistics

BIO: Lockwood has been in the logistics and transportation industry seven years and has a background in engineering, optimization, pricing and sales. He has a passion for applying lean principles to the customer’s experience and focusing on continuous improvement within the service offering provided. Prior to Suddath, Lockwood worked at Kenco Group and James River Carrier.


“There’s really no one-size-fits-all solution. It’s very much about the product, the experience and how your supply chains are structured.”

“You’re seeing some interesting stuff from the Walmarts and Targets of the world with this acronym BOPIS (buy online, pick up in store). In those models, the consumer is the final mile.”

“You got to tell the truth to your consumers — giving consumers visibility updates, using the technology to your advantage. It at least shows that you’re trying to play offense with what you’re delivering rather than taking a defensive posture.” 

Click for more FreightWaves articles by Noi Mahoney.

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