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Another warehouse explosion in Tianjin

No one was killed in the latest blast at a warehouse that Chinese officials said was in violation of rent laws.

   There was another warehouse explosion in Tianjin, China on Monday night, two months after a massive blast rocked the port city back in August. No one appeared to have been killed in the latest incident, according to reports.
   Xinhua, China’s state news service reported Tuesday that investigators have found the warehouse in the latest explosion was in violation of rent regulations.
   “The explosion occurred around 9:40 p.m. Monday at a warehouse owned by Tianjin Yong Sheng Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. at Xiditou Township of Beichen District. The flames were put out around 2:33 a.m. early Tuesday,” said Xinhua.
   The news service quoted an official who said, “Such chemical warehouses should be registered with the government, but clearly they had failed to do so.”
   It said the warehouse stored about 3,000 kilograms of alcohol, 1,000 kilograms of acetic aid, 800 kilograms of glycerinum, 500 kilograms of sodium hydroxide and 500 kilograms of potassium hydroxide, all highly flammable chemicals.

Chris Dupin

Chris Dupin has written about trade and transportation and other business subjects for a variety of publications before joining American Shipper and Freightwaves.