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APL to change Hawaii service

The company’s Eagle Express X service will offer carriage of container cargo from Asia to Honolulu on alternate weeks.

    APL, part of the CMA CGM Group, said it will start serving the Hawaii market with its Eagle Express X (EXX) service.
    The transpacific service will carry cargo from Asia to Honolulu, but only after calling the Port of Los Angeles and only every other week. 
   As APL is not a Jones Act carrier, it will not be able to carry cargo from the U.S. West Coast to Hawaii. The new rotation for the EXX service on alternate weeks starting
Aug. 23 will be  Yokohama – Busan – Ningbo – Shanghai – Los Angeles – Honolulu – Dutch Harbor – Yokohama. Transit times will be 18 and 19 days to Honolulu from Shanghai and Ningbo, respectively.
   APL has an existing weekly service connecting Asian ports and Hawaii called the Aloha Express with a Shanghai-Busan-Honolulu rotation, but the company said it will discontinue that service once the EXX starts calling Hawaii.