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APMT completes phase 2 of Aqaba Logistics Village

The second phase of the Aqaba Logistics Village, which includes 13,000 square meters of warehousing and 40,000 square meters of open yard space, opened Nov. 12.

   APM Terminals (APMT) and Jordanian partner Kawar Group opened the second phase of the Aqaba Logistics Village (ALV) Nov. 12 to handle a variety of cargo as regional and trading partners in the Middle East continue to evolve, APMT said.
   ALV, which is managed by APMT, is situated adjacent to the Aqaba Container Terminal and offers warehousing, logistics and cargo support services, according to ALV’s website.
   Phase two of ALV includes 13,000 square meters of warehousing and 40,000 square meters of open yard space, APMT said.
   The new open yards will store containers, cars, timber and project cargo moving through the port.
   The two new distribution center warehouses will focus on light manufacturing, including garments, and processing aid supplies and other goods moving in transit to Iraq.
   “ALV’s upgraded services include 16 mechanical dock levelers enabling high-capacity and high-efficiency handling of all cross-stuffing operations; warehousing capabilities which include storage, handling, picking, sorting, palletizing and other value-added services employing professional racking systems, and heavy-duty outdoor storage yards, along with available office space on upper levels of the buildings,” APMT said.
   “Our upgraded services and capabilities will help to create an efficient, economical and reliable supply chain for importers and distributors in Jordan, the Levant and inland points in the Middle East,” Aqaba Logistics Village CEO Hakam Abul Feilat said in a statement.
   The first major distribution contract concluded for ALV phase two was with the International Committee of the Red Cross, which plans to use Aqaba as a supply hub for humanitarian aid and supplies.
   For the past three years, distribution services at ALV have been increasing by over 40 percent each year.
   ALV’s developed land now encompasses 59 acres. In addition, 49 acres of land are expected to be developed within the next two years.