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Are truckers getting the support they need on the road? (with video)

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On today’s episode of WHAT THE TRUCK?!?, Dooner and The Dude are covering headlines concerning economic woes showing up across retail and freight data sets, freight executives joining President Trump’s Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups, and sabotaged PPE supplies.

We’ll talk to TriumphPay’s Melissa Forman, SVP & Chief Operations Officer about their upcoming virtual event as well as managing remote teams during the pandemic. 

Owner/operator, Ingrid Brown, dials in from the road to get us up to date on the state of conditions and concerns that America’s truckers are facing. She’ll also discuss her profile that’s part of a New York Times series looking at women at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus.

FreightWaves EVP of Content, Emily Szink, sits down to talk about THE virtual event to define our industry: FreightWaves LIVE @Home. She’ll break down the agenda and talk about the decision behind making NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED!

Good News Bad News for PPP loans, J.B. Hunt’s final mile business, food banks, quarenteaming, and more.

Then we hear from you in Comment Section Rodeo!

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  1. Stephen Webster

    This shutdown is very expensive both in dollars and lives lost. In Ontario Canada not enough was done in January to make sure our health care was up to the job. Many people homeless in New York City, Detroit M I. Toronto Ontario Canada Windsor Ontario and many other parts of the world left sick homeless to sleep in subway cars and on the street. My brother s wife family in Hong Kong told me about rumors of this in China and Hong Kong before I camped out at queens park in Toronto Ontario Canada. A group from the Catholic health collation told the Ontario government on both February 6 and February 8 of 2020 what was needed to build up a medical supplies in reserve. A Jewish group in Toronto Ontario was saying the same thing in the last week of January. We should be able to open some construction sites bring back manufacturing of masks and medical supplies and equipment now. We need to reduce the density in some work places reopen Canadian Tire and Building Supply Stores with limited hours and customers at one time. We need to do more to limit the movement of some high risk medical workers ( Detroit Windsor) and truck drivers deliver or pickup in certain hotspots need to self isolate in a hotel room not in a community truck stop. Unless much more testing and medical treatment and money is put in to control options for opening up will cost many thousands of lives.

  2. Noble1

    Check this out !

    Quote :

    Quote :
    “Smithfield Foods closes two more plants”

    Pork processor Smithfield Foods is temporarily closing two more plants, one in Cudahy, Wis., and one in Martin City, Mo., due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    Both plants have a small number of employees who have tested positive for the coronavirus, The Associated Press reported. The Missouri plant is closed indefinitely, and the Wisconsin plant is closed for two weeks.

    The Missouri plant, which produces spiral hams, receives raw material from Smithfield’s Sioux Falls, S.D. facility. A worker at that plant, which closed indefinitely on April 12, has died from coronavirus and overall it has 518 infected employees and 126 infected people connected to employees. ”

    End quote Read more by googling the headline : Smithfield Foods closes two more plants


    Quote :

    We need to be the Rosa Parks’: Trump ally plans Wisconsin protest of coronavirus restrictions

    Stephen Moore’s plan comes as scores of anti-shutdown protesters have taken to streets across the U.S.

    Stephen Moore, a member of President Donald Trump’s council to reopen the country, said he is helping to plan a “drive-in” to protest Wisconsin’s stay-at-home orders.

    “They’re going to shut down the Capitol — shh, don’t tell anybody,” Moore, a Trump ally who also serves as an outside economic adviser to the president, said in a video posted to a libertarian think tank’s YouTube page earlier this week. “We need to be the Rosa Parks here and protest against these government injustices,” he added.

    Protesters in Wisconsin announced a “Freedom Rally” to be held on April 24 after Gov. Tony Evers on Thursday extended the state’s stay-at-home order until May 26. ”

    End quote .

    While the virus is spreading in Wisconsin and among essential workers , Stephen Moore is helping to plan a “drive-in” to protest Wisconsin’s stay-at-home orders , and comparing it to Rosa Park’s reason for participating in the civil rights movement due to racism and inequality ??? Unbelievable ! This guy is a kindergarten level manipulative clown !

    Rosa Parks was a reasonable woman ! She would have understood emergency health measures during a pandemic to protect the population and would have been advocating to abide by them , not protest against them !

    In my humble opinion ……….

    1. Noble1

      How dare Stephen Moore use Rosa Park’s name in vain for his political agenda !

      Speaking of which , how would Rosa parks feel about this in Wisconsin ?

      Quote :

      April 8 2020

      Wisconsin’s primary subjected people of color to yet another Covid-19 disadvantage

      “The threat of the coronavirus is only compounded by a legacy of racial disparities that makes Milwaukee one of the worst places to be black in the US

      In the past few weeks, it has become clear that the Milwaukee’s black community will be uniquely affected by the coronavirus. Wisconsin’s governor, Tony Evers, characterized the explosion of Covid-19 in the state’s communities of color as “a crisis within a crisis”.

      For Milwaukee’s black residents, he’s exactly right. The threat of the coronavirus is only compounded by a legacy of racial disparities that makes the city one of the worst places to be black in America.”

      End quote .

      How do you think Rosa Parks would respond to this ? Better yet , how do you think Rosa Parks would respond to Stephen Moore’s selfish manipulative political agenda through an irresponsible protest during a pandemic to reopen the state economy , while attempting to use her prior civil rights movement for equality among Blacks & Whites as an example to fulfill his manipulative agenda ?

      What a disgraceful person he is .

      In my humble opinion ……………..

      Wow that guy is a clown .

  3. Noble1

    While “what the truck” is all cute and dandy , something very serious is occurring in certain States which should alert governors and be addressed immediately . ORGANIZED PROTESTS !

    Governors need to be very careful especially when Trump is laughing in their faces and encouraging civil disobedience before this gets out of hand during a viral life threatening pandemic .

    Looking closely at these protestors and their style , they’re just noise makers . Those aren’t the rioter type , yet . Governors should act swiftly while those groups remain small .

    The social distancing laws need to become more stringent . No gathering at all . No more 10 people or less groups . Hefty fines and potential house arrest or incarceration if not respected . They aren’t protesting due to lack of funds . They are Trump puppets to reopen the economy .

    However, these protesters are a danger to the health care system and its personnel , themselves , and other civilians due to their negligence during this current pandemic .

    If they get infected and infect others it could once again put extreme strain on the health care facilities . This must be prevented at all costs .

    Governors need to address this problem ASAP while it’s in its infancy . Don’t wait for these groups to potentially influence others and increase in size ! Then you’ll have a real problem on your hands .

    Show Trump that this isn’t a game and that it won’t be taken lightly . Be clever and act fast !

    Best of luck !

    In my humble opinion …………..

    1. Elaine

      You just another anti Trump yo-yo. This virus is dangerous but this entire shutdown is not necessary. I’ve lived through so many flus, virus’ and unknown illnesses these past 75 years. Trump is trying his best to drain the cesspool that runs this country. The ELITE rich families run this country along with the democrat puppets. Lincoln and JFK were the ONLY two presidents that knew the same thing as Trump and they were both assassinated. This government of ours is as corrupt as any other foreign country…we’re just better hiding it. Soros is the one running this country along with the other millionaires and billionaires. The democrats hate Trumps because they know he’s the one and only one who stands up for the citizens of this country. Look at that BITCH Pelosi…faulting her stash of gourmet ice cream she has in her freezer…$12.00 a pint! I hope that bitch chokes to death on it. How dare she fault such a thing while there are thousands of people that can’t afford to feed their families. They only way this country is going to get back to what is once was is by re electing Trump. As for our trucking industry…give me a break..,no one in our government gives a shit about them in any way. I know this first hand because I have a son and grandson who are truckers. My son owns his rig. They crap they’re getting through all of this is unbelievable! Shit…most companies won’t even allow into the building to go to a bathroom…or wash their hands. Food? That’s another joke. It would serve this country right is every owner/operator shut down. Rest areas are closed and truck stop are raping them with astronomical charges to park overnight. Do your homework before you spew crap you know nothing about.

      1. Noble1

        Ignorance is bliss !

        Quote :
        “I’ve lived through so many flus, virus’ and unknown illnesses these past 75 years.”

        However, you appear to be an elder . That would render you among the most vulnerable if infected with the coronavirus . If you’re careless and become infected with this one during THIS PANDEMIC you may not live through it ! The odds are not in your favor my dear .

        You’re free to play Russian roulette with your own life if you so desire . Just don’t play with the lives of others .

        Be vigilant .

        Best of luck !

        By the way , Trump is simply using you to fulfill his own agenda among the “conspiracies” you’ve pointed out above . We’ve all see how careless he has been which nobody can deny .

        2020 is a huge eye opener !

        In my humble opinion ………

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