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Arian named to Los Angeles port board

Arian named to Los Angeles port board

   Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Tuesday appointed David Arian, a former longshoreman, to the Board of Harbor Commissioners.

   'Having proudly served as a longshoreman in San Pedro, like his father before him, David Arian brings an inherent understanding of how the port can function more efficiently as well as the needs of the surrounding community,” Mayor Villaraigosa said. “His decades of experience at both the local and national level will help our team at the port build off the success of the Clean Truck Program and Clean Air Action Plan to ensure the economic vitality and environmental sustainability of our Harbor community for generations to come.”

   Arian, a native of San Pedro, began his career as a longshoreman in 1965 and has been active in the International Longshore & Warehouse Union since then. In 1991, he was elected international president of the ILWU. Following his term, he returned to the docks at the Port of Los Angeles where he worked until his retirement in 2009.