Within maritime logistics circles, an effort is underway to update the technology the industry relies on to take advantage of recent advancements in hardware and software technology.
Will the oil majors make the transition to become dominant producers of renewable energy and other climate change technology, or will new entrants supplant them?
TuSimple will focus on perfecting its core autonomous trucking technology on the middle mile while it relies on partners for other aspects of the technology and services required.
I am encouraged to see that President Joe Biden is calling for up to $300 billion of investments by the federal government to begin rebuilding America’s manufacturing sector.
The desire for supply chain software and technology that is tightly integrated and that works in tandem, through platforms and ecosystems, raises the specter of cybersecurity incidents that can very quickly metastasize.
How should executives think about the combination of people and technology as they attempt to solve the problems they encounter daily in their companies’ supply chain operations?
We are on the cusp of a golden age of technology-led innovation in supply chain.
It appears Google and J.B. Hunt envision that their joint effort will become an innovation platform to support the J.B. Hunt 360 marketplace.
“Constantly shifting consumer demand and supply shocks that are felt worldwide regularly throw supply chains out of balance.”
Supply chain visibility consistently rears its head as a vital need.
Good management alone won’t keep a business afloat, but poor management almost ensures failure in the ongoing crisis.
Now is the time to transform the United States’ dominance of information technology into a durable leadership position in innovations that will characterize supply chains the rest of this century.
The public needs to be educated about the quality control processes in place for the manufacture of vaccines.
Ladingo’s growth suggests a segment of the market is not being adequately served by existing solutions.
There is no shortage of opportunities for AI and machine learning to be applied to the solution of big problems in global supply chains.
“Shipamax delivers data entry automation across entire logistics organizations,” says CEO and co-founder Jenna Brown.
A goal for 2021 is for SEDNA Systems to go beyond the automatic organization and routing of email by extracting the valuable business and operational information that is encoded and trapped within the email communications flowing in and out of the companies that are SEDNA’s customers.
The market for reliable, complete data and forecasts about agricultural commodities markets is a large and growing opportunity.
As it becomes necessary to take an increasing number of sources and types of data into account, the case for shifting away from simple spreadsheets and onto more sophisticated platforms will gain strength.
“We automate tasks that our users find tedious or frustrating so that they can focus on what’s interesting.”
Now is the time to get quick approvals for technology and innovations that will help meet customers’ needs and wants during uncertain times.
ABEJA has developed proprietary tools to ensure that its AI Consulting engagements do not metastasize into endless ordeals.
Fashion industry incumbents that have failed to adopt technology to strengthen their business models are at significant risk, particularly as the pandemic accelerates a number of trends.
By the time entrenched incumbents awaken to the threats posed by newly developed general purpose technologies (GPTs), a crop of challengers who had no option but to adopt the new GPT at the outset has become powerful enough to threaten the financial stability of an industry.
There is an opportunity for startups as businesses seek to modernize their business process flows.
The insurance underwriting process historically has relied on data that is updated only periodically.
Industrial AI requires data from physical processes enhanced with digital capabilities through sensors and other connected devices.
The shift to 5G technology will bring challenges that require companies to enhance the skills of their network managers.
In this installment of the AI in Supply Chain series (#AIinSupplyChain), we explore the topic of industrial supply chains and factories of the future.
Innovation in the maritime industry relies on top-down mandates that are complicated by multilayered regulatory regimes and compliance requirements.
Bulgaria-based Transmetrics is helping its supply chain customers by using augmented intelligence. Learn more!
The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates. Author’s Disclosure: I am not an investor in FleetOps, either personally or through REFASHIOND Ventures. I have no financial relationship with FleetOps. FleetOps, the Toronto-based, data-driven freight trucking marketplace, has raised a seed […]
Brian Aoaeh continues his commentary series on artificial intelligence and how it is changing supply chains.
Brian Aoaeh continues a series of commentaries on technology-driven innovations in supply chains, logistics and trucking.
Brian Aoaeh writes about new technologies that will transform supply chains and logistics in the near-term.
Optimal Dynamics seeks to automatically optimize trucking flight operations. Brian Aoaeh profiles the company and interviewed its founder and CEO.
Digitization of forms and the use of blockchain will cut costs and time from the supply chain. Brian Aoaeh writes about those issues in India.
Beacon is a UK-based digital freight forwarder – one of many that have vowed to disrupt the freight forwarding industry.
The alliance between FedEx and Microsoft may change supply chains,. Brian Aoaeh explores the issues involved.
The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates. News reports that Uber is re-evaluating non-core units like Uber Freight did not take me by surprise. To learn more about what’s happening, you can read JP Hampstead’s Uber ‘re-evaluating’ non-core units like […]
Brian Aoaeh provides statistics and insight into how freight and shipping professionals are working during the pandemic.
The world of transportation has changed due to COVID-19. Read about how shipping professionals are adapting to those changes.
The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates. On Friday, April 17, FreightWaves ran my Commentary: Grassroots organizations move faster in crises. In that commentary I argued that in order to effectively confront crises characterized by uncertainty, large, centralized organizations must […]
Brian Aoaeh interviews CEOs of several supply chain tech startups about their status during the pandemic.
In this commentary by Brian Aoaeh makes the case that efforts by grassroots organizations in the fight against COVID-19 should be more fully accepted.
Businesses around the world are being affected by the pandemic. Among the hardest hit are startups. Brian Aoaeh offers advice for tech startups in the supply chain space.
The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates. There are certain markets that the average person doesn’t think about often, not until thinking about them is a matter of life and death. Today, I am highlighting one such market – the […]
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have formed the Supply Chain Caucus. Read why this is important for all of us.
Brian Aoaeh explores the vulnerability of supply chains in an interconnected world that is threatened by a potential pandemic.
Brian Aoaeh explores unforeseen shocks to global supply chains and global commerce.
Brian Aoaeh explains how simulated bifurcation technology may change supply chain operations in the near future.
Brian Aoaeh writes about the use of software and technology in the trucking industry.
The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates. Much of the discourse and sentiment surrounding the application of blockchain, and other distributed ledger technologies, in enterprise supply chains has taken a decidedly pessimistic turn. This is evident on Meetup.com where blockchain […]
The World Economic Forum opened today. Climate change is the most-feared risk of respondents to a WEF poll. Brian Aoaeh comments that disruption of global supply chains is the real fear.
Brian Aoaeh writes about the challenges and opportunities of logistics in Africa – and what will likely occur in the next few years.
A number of readers responded to Brian Aoaeh’s 12/26/19 “Commentary: Trucking industry observations heading into 2020.” His current commentary features some of those responses and information from Anthony Campo, a trucking industry veteran.
Brian Aoaeh writes about the “other” side of ecommerce – the returns of unwanted merchandise and how retailers are handling the issue.
Brian Aoaeh writes about the convergence of climate change activitism and the need to modify supply chains going forward.
Brian Aoaeh writes about key trucking events in 2019 and looks ahead to 2020.
For many people around the world, celebrating the holidays involves sharing food with family and friends. As we approach the holidays to celebrate the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, it occurred to me that it would be good to spend some time examining what startups are doing to try to solve the […]
Brian Aoaeh writes about workplace injuries and workplace safety in the ecommerce age…
Brian Aoaeh offers observations about the future of supply chains following his attendance at the recent FreightWaves LIVE event .
Brian Aoaeh writes about changes in the energy/fuel mix over the next 30 years in developed and developing economies.
Brian Aoaeh writes about ongoing efforts to fight food waste by improving food supply chains.
On October 29, Bloomberg published an article by Dina Bass, “The ‘Uber for Trucking’ Tries to Navigate Some Uber-Scale Problems.” That was followed by Craig Fuller’s article, Is winter coming for the super-hot FreightTech space?, which ran in FreightWaves on November 3. It would be worth it to read both articles if you have any […]
Brian Aoaeh writes about threats to supply chains from cyber attacks and the need for increased cyber security.
The global auto industry may be the first industry to use blockchain extensively. Read how and why.
Market Voice Brian Aoaeh has a fascinating interview with Wolfgang Lehmacher,, an expert on global supply chains (and much more)!
Since writing about the challenges ahead for food supply chains, I have been thinking about how perishable foods and other items are transported from one part of the world to another. What is the role for new technologies in global supply chains for perishable products? The question gnaws at me each time I am in […]
Market voice Brian Aoaeh writes about how a company’s supply chain can help or hurt its image with its customers, the media and investors.
Brian Aoaeh explains why the trucking industry is ready for freight derivatives.
For a long time supply chains have been regulated to the very distant background. That is changing, and I think it is faster than we realize.
Brian Laung Aoaeh discusses innovation, technology, and disruption in the freight brokerage market.
Brian Aoaeh writes about the disruption to supply chains caused by hurricanes and extreme weather.
The 2019 Chicken Sandwich Wars may have impacted the Popeyes supply chain.
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and blockchain is becoming more mainstream. Information about a new study of DLT provides details.
Global e-commerce continues to grow, and grow, and grow. Market voice Brian Aoaeh writes about the move of e-commerce giants to establish their own fulfillment services.
Brian Aoaeh writes about the use of machine learning to improve supply chains, particularly in the context of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.
Brian Aoaeh writes about how machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to improve transportation and decrease emissions.
In the wake of Hurricane Barry, Brian Aoaeh writes about the disruption to supply chains that hurricanes and flooding can do. In particular, the state of Louisiana and its ports are critical to the U.S. agriculture and energy industries.
Brian Aoaeh writes about changes that need to be made to the food supply chain to deter food waste and food loss.
Brian Aoaeh has written a thought-provoking commentary on the impact of climate change on supply chains, and what governments, companies and startups can do to mitigate supply chain disruptions.
FreightWaves features Market Voices – a forum for contributors with unique knowledge of numerous transportation/logistics/supply chain sectors, as well as other critical expertise. Last week the Worldwide Supply Chain Federation held its inaugural global summit in New York City, on June 19 and June 20. In this article I will highlight three themes that arose […]
Market expert Brian Aoaeh writes about the new Digital Shipping Container Alliance and why standards are important to industry. He also writes about why getting standards written and adopted is particularly difficult.
Market expert Brian Aoaeh writes about the supply chain and how the world, business and ecommerce are changing due to ongoing innovations.
Market expert writes about how current trade issues between the U.S. and China, the U.S. and Mexico and the U.S. and the EU may disrupt supply chains and cause economic problems.
Market expert Brian Aoaeh writes about the impact of severe weather on supply chains, and tools to help companies and organizations modify those supply chains when disaster strikes.
Market expert Brian Aoaeh writes about the world’s problems with trash and garbage – and what must be done before it overwhelms humanity.
Market expert Brian Aoaeh explains why all of us should be rooting for Uber, Lyft and other startups. Read why!
Market expert Brian Aoaeh writes about the impact of market disruption on the freight brokerage sector. Learn how Amazon, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other disruptors will change the business…
Market expert Brian Aoaeh’s article focuses on the current and upcoming maritime industry issues – IMO 2020, global warming, rising sea levels, etc. Read Brian’s take on how the maritime industry is meeting these challenges.
In his first FreightWaves article, market expert Brian Aoaeh writes about logistics network optimization. He explains how new technology, venture capital money and changing market conditions have converged to open up new opportunities across the global supply chain.