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Automated gate system at LBCT cuts truck turn times in half

NASCENT Technology helped Long Beach Container Terminal to automate its marine terminal, giving LBCT the ability to control the number of trucks at each lane and direct trucks to the next available lane.

   A new automated gate system at Long Beach Container Terminal (LBCT) has cut truck turn times in half, according to a statement from NASCENT Technology, LLC, provider of the remote-operated gate system.
   NASCENT’s SYNAPSE AGS system gives LBCT the ability to control the number of trucks at each lane, as well as those en route, and direct trucks to the next available lane. The result has been a reduction in average truck visit times from 85 minutes to 40 minutes.
   The system is designed to integrate with any Terminal Operating System (TOS) as well as appointment systems, billing systems and security applications, giving terminals the flexibility to migrate, integrate or expand without worrying about software obsolescence. It also enables security, financial and clerical workers at LBCT to function without crossover, eliminating duplicate work and additional checkpoints.
   “This is more than just a gate system, it is the key to the process of moving containers,” said LBCT IT Director Matt Hunnicutt. “Everything is about turn times for truckers and this system is the basis to shorten that.”
   “LBCT exemplifies just how much can be accomplished through the thoughtful application of innovation and technology across a broad spectrum of industries,” added Fabio Teti, president and CEO of NASCENT. “While some of the technology may exist in pieces in the world, it is only through careful planning, pure ingenuity, and a high level of coordination that all of the disparate parts can be pulled together to work in a unified manner.
   “The outcome is obvious and nothing short of spectacular. The LBCT team must be commended for creating the vision and, through sheer will and determination, making it a reality.”
   The first portion of the LBCT automation, including vessel, yard, gate and on-dock rail operations, has been completed with additional yard and gate areas planned with a target completion date of 2019.