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Automotive supply chain troubles — Transmission

Where are automakers hurting most?

(Photo: FreightWaves)

When you switch to AIT Worldwide Logistics for automotive shipping you’re partnering with a team of logistics professionals in Asia, Europe and North America who develop customized supply chain solutions that are just as unique as your business. Whether it’s transborder hot-shot trucking, express ocean service, or an exclusive air charter, AIT has the expertise, technology, and carrier connections to achieve your production goals — every time. To learn more, visit  

It feels like every aspect of supply chains is strained, and the auto industry is not exempt. 

On this episode of Transmission, Grace Sharkey and Sebastian Blanco dig in to where automakers are having difficulties, from semiconductors to labor. 

The double whammy of COVID and a chip shortage aren’t the only problems affecting the supply chain. AIT’s Alan Votaw stops by to talk about what he’s hearing from OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers about the state of the industry, including the upcoming challenges facing companies building electric vehicles since getting battery components might be difficult in the near future.

You can find more Transmission episodes and recaps for all our live podcasts here.

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