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BIFA: U.K. forwarders to face ‘big challenges’ in 2016

Changes resulting from the implementation of the Union Customs Code and SOLAS container weight regulations will be just as important as economic issues in the coming year, according to the British International Freight Association.

   The British International Freight Association says its members, freight forwarders based in the United Kingdom, will continue to face “big challenges” in 2016.
   Changes in legislative and government policy surrounding the freight forwarding industry in the United Kingdom will be just as important as economic issues in the coming year, according to a recent statement from the trade association.
   “From a legislative perspective, two major impacts on the freight forwarding landscape in 2016 will result from the implementation of the Union Customs Code and the amendment to SOLAS requiring the verification of gross mass of containers prior to loading,” said BIFA Director General Robert Keen.
   “There is still significant confusion about the implications of both legislative changes and BIFA will continue to hold events to brief members and others to help them manage the change in processes.”
   BIFA noted that 2015 was dominated by “dreadful events at the Channel Tunnel.” Refugees fleeing oppression and war in countries like Syria and Afghanistan have flooded into mainland Europe throughout the course of the year, with a large population camped in Calais, France, just on the other side of the English Channel. Around 120 would-be migrants broke into the French side of the Channel Tunnel in October, causing the suspension of train service between Calais and Folkestone, U.K. and disrupted and delayed trucking operations.
   With the situation looking likely to continue into 2016, “BIFA has repeatedly called for government action to address the problems being caused by the would-be illegal immigrants attempting to stowaway on trucks,” added Keen.
   “We will continue to press the authorities in France and the UK to step up their protection of the routes across the Channel and fulfil their obligations to let trade move unhindered on this strategic freight route.”
   Keen said that although progress has been made by the U.K. government to address the concerns of freight forwarders, there is still much work to be done.
   “In 2015, BIFA said that it felt that there is some evidence that the UK Government is listening to the advice it is getting from the UK’s logistics sector and we welcomed the freeze in fuel duty and planned investment in the UK’s road infrastructure, as being positive signs,” he said.
   “However, this month we expressed our dismay at the ongoing delay in a decision on the expansion of airport capacity in the south east and sincerely hope that the government will not let party political issues continue to stop progress on this crucial issue, in 2016.”