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Boeing finds biggest pilot demand in Asia

The aircraft manufacturer forecast that the region will require 240,000 pilots over the next 20 years.

   Aircraft manufacturer Boeing said the greatest worldwide demand for new civilian aircraft pilots will be centered in Asia during the next 20 years.
   It’s forecast that the region will require about 240,000 new pilots, according to Boeings 2018 Pilot and Technician Outlook.
   “While demand decreased 5 percent, this was driven by regional trends that indicate a peak in pilot retirements in the first decade of the forecast and a softening of replacement demand in the later years, due to a younger generation entering the pilot ranks long before reaching mandatory retirement age,” Boeing said.
   Broken down further, Boeing forecast that China will require 128,500 commercial pilots over the next 20 years, followed by 48,500 for Southeast Asia, and 42,750 pilots for South Asia.

Chris Gillis

Located in the Washington, D.C. area, Chris Gillis primarily reports on regulatory and legislative topics that impact cross-border trade. He joined American Shipper in 1994, shortly after graduating from Mount St. Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Md., with a degree in international business and economics.