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Can FMCSA improve ELD regulations?

Glider kit compliance, technical malfunctions among changes being considered

FMCSA considering changes in five areas to help drivers, carriers navigate ELDs. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

This is part of a FreightWaves series on the electronic logging device mandate. Federal regulators began enforcing the mandate on April 1, 2018. Read more from this series here.

ELDs — those devices meant to keep truckers and the companies they drive for “honest” when logging in hours of service — have been one of the most controversial pieces of equipment in the industry over the last five years.

That’s one reason why the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is currently combing through more than 1,300 public comments responding to its proposal to modify the ELD regulation in an effort to make them easier to use.

Specifically, FMCSA is considering changes in five areas: applicability to pre-2000 engines, addressing ELD malfunctions, the process for removing ELDs from the agency’s certification list, technical specifications and ELD certification.

The question is, will the changes — if the agency decides to make any — actually help?

“There needs to be more safeguards in place to keep ELDs from recording hours of service that actually go against my drivers,” John Mallory, director of safety for Sapulpa, Oklahoma-based John Christner Trucking, told FreightWaves.

More from this series: Federal law designed to make trucking safer may have aggravated worst issues

“The driver is supposed to log out of the ELD and put it in ‘shop’ status when they return to our facility, but they don’t always do that or know that they need to do it,” Mallory said. “Also, a lot of times my team drivers will forget to make the driver switch on the ELD, and there’s no way to fix that. That leaves me with a driver breaking the 11-hour [driving limit per day] rule because his wife drove on his log-in time.”

In fact, FMCSA is looking at several changes to the current regulation that might address Mallory’s problem of drivers remaining in driving status while they’re out of the vehicles, including a requirement that ELDs automatically record an on-duty not-driving event following the recording of an engine shutdown.

Applicability to pre-2000 engines/glider kits

While the current ELD rule does not require drivers to use ELDs when operating trucks older than model year 2000, FMCSA points out in its proposal that many vehicles with pre-2000 engines — and most vehicles with rebuilt pre-2000 engines (known as “glider” trucks) — have engine control modules installed that could accommodate an ELD. The agency is therefore considering making the regulation apply to these engines as well.

Making such a requirement, however, received mixed reviews, based on a sampling of responses to the proposal.

“Expanding the ELD requirement to include these types of vehicles would bring more vehicles under the ELD requirement and help improve hours-of-service compliance and roadway safety for those vehicles,” wrote Collin Mooney, executive director of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, which represents state DOTs and highway patrols.

However, he added, “this change would be difficult to enforce, eroding any intended safety benefit. It is very difficult to verify roadside whether or not a vehicle is subject to the ELD regulations based on the engine manufacture date. Expanding the ELD requirements to include these vehicles will result in confusion and inconsistencies in enforcement of the regulations.”

Watch now: What has been the impact of the ELD in trucking?

But the Truckload Carriers Association, which lobbies on behalf of major carriers such as Werner and Knight-Swift, had the opposite view.

“ELDs should be required on as many trucks as possible, including rebuilt or remanufactured engines or glider kits that can accommodate ELD technology,” according to TCA President Jim Ward. “FMCSA should push for expanded ELD adoption because it is an important tool to track compliance for the hours-of-service regulations, which were designed to improve safety.”

Joe Rajkovacz, government affairs director for the Western States Trucking Association, made the point that FMCSA’s proposal failed to take into account whether trucks operating without an ELD were overrepresented in crash data.

“If not, why would the agency want to needlessly inflict more harm on highway safety by needlessly expanding the mandate?” Rajkovacz stated. “FMCSA should more closely analyze whether a safety issue factually exists before considering any alteration” to the current exemption for pre-2000 engines, he asserted.

Addressing ELD malfunctions

The ELD regulation currently requires a driver documenting his or her record of duty status to switch to paper logs when an ELD malfunctions so that law enforcement is still able to review the driver’s work-hour status. But an ELD can malfunction while continuing to accurately record the driver’s hours — in which case the driver should not switch to paper logs. Because this has resulted in confusion as to when a driver is required to switch from electronic to paper logs, FMCSA is considering making the regulation more explicit.

The ELD malfunction issues raised by FMCSA “lead to confusion for both fleets and enforcement,” according to Dan Horvath, vice president for safety policy at the American Trucking Associations.

“When clarifying, FMCSA should consider flexibility for when hours of service are still being recorded correctly, including when there are formatting issues. It would be helpful for FMCSA to create categories for when a malfunction leads to inaccuracy with records and for when malfunctions do not impact accuracy of records. It is also important that the driver has a clear indication of the situation and what actions they need to take, if any.”

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association agreed. “However, the agency must also work with enforcement to ensure motor carriers and drivers are not penalized when ELD failures and malfunctions beyond their control lead to inconsistencies in records,” stated OOIDA President and CEO Todd Spencer.

Removal process

The current ELD regulation does not address what happens in the case of a certified ELD listed on FMCSA’s website going out of business — so FMCSA is considering whether it should immediately remove the device from its certified device list.

The agency is also considering cutting in half (from 60 days to 30 days) the amount of time that an ELD provider has to respond to a notice warning that its device is not compliant “in order to more timely remove an ELD … that could adversely impact highway safety,” the agency stated in its proposal.

“If an ELD [provider] goes out of business with no plan to provide support through a third party, the ELD should be removed from the registered ELD list,” contends David Brillon and Nicolas Guerin, chief technology officer and product manager, respectively, for Isaac Instruments, a Montreal, Canada-based ELD maker serving Canada and the U.S. “However, the carriers using the ELD should be given sufficient time to find a suitable replacement — one year, for example.”

Dawn King, president of the Truck Safety Coalition, which routinely opposes relaxation of trucking regulations, commented that highway safety is “adversely impacted” by the current response time.

“FMCSA should require that ELD manufacturers respond to a written notice of non-compliance in 30 days instead of 60 days,” King wrote. “Failure to do so creates an opportunity for carriers and drivers to potentially utilize an ELD that is unable to confirm the legitimacy of the device readings and unable to validate compliance with HOS requirements for an extra 30 days, unnecessarily putting public safety at-risk.”

Technical specifications

Among a handful of technical specification changes FMCSA is considering — including the driving status issue noted above by John Christner Trucking’s Mallory — is allowing a driver, rather than the motor carrier, to change his or her ELD configuration to an “exempt” status when appropriate to reduce administrative burdens raised by the trucking industry.

“FMCSA should provide motor carriers with the option of letting drivers select their own exempt status in their ELD configuration,” according to Meera Bhaskar, policy counsel for ELD provider Samsara.

“Allowing this would alleviate the administrative burden … particularly for carriers where drivers frequently switch between short-haul and regional operations, requiring the carrier to perform the administrative function of sending a configuration to the ELD each time, so that a driver can operate in an exempt status.”

OOIDA’s Spencer disagreed, concerned that such a change “would lead to greater coercion of drivers by motor carriers.”

ELD certification

FMCSA also sought public feedback on doing away with the current self-certification process by ELD providers and instead move to a third-party certification regime, as is the case in Canada.

Such a process would alleviate cost and driver delay issues currently experienced in Oregon, according to the state’s motor carrier enforcement manager, Carla Phelps. Phelps told FreightWaves in November that the large number of nonstandard ELD devices translates into longer roadside inspection times.

“If a dynamic certification process is implemented to validate ELDs and their providers, inspection times should begin to drop back down,” she said.

But CVSA, whose members conduct roadside inspections, is not convinced that third-party certification would improve the cost and delay issues that Oregon or other states are experiencing.

“If inspectors are finding drivers with a malfunctioning device, whether or not the device is certified is not going to change the time frame that it takes inspectors to do inspections at roadside,” Kerri Wirachowsky, CVSA’s director of inspection programs, told FreightWaves.

Click for more FreightWaves articles by John Gallagher.


  1. David A Berkovits

    The e l d ‘s themselves are NOT the problem!!!! It is the one size fits all Hours of Service rules. Change the one size h o s rules and give drivers some flexibility on how they run their time on the road and stop some of the penalty crap.
    Stop the pressure drivers feel being against the clock when working. That will improve safety.

  2. George L. Thornton

    ELD’s have caused traffic accidents to skyrocket, due to the fact that the driver(s) are now racing a clock to get to a customer/shipper(Don’t need a computer to tell me when to drive, or stop). Speed limiters are doing the same thing, by clogging the roads with commercial vehicles traveling at a speed below the “average” highway speed. Gutted trucks can’t pass another truck, ending with long lines of frustrated drivers. Those drivers then take shortcuts to get around said gutted trucks, which cause more accidents. The FMSCA also needs to enforce the “hands-free” law that was passed several years ago. I still see driver’s holding their phones to their ears. Automatic transmissions are also ruining the industry, learned on a manual, prefer a manual.

  3. Marty

    First of all, enough with how bad working conditions and pay rates are in trucking today. If you are a good truck driver and you are not making 100,000.00 per year you need a new job or a new occupation. ELD has promoted fast and careless driving habits, that is just a fact of life. On paper you had to make a record of how you spent your time at the end of the day but you had the ability to maintain a safe comfortable pace to your day. You had the flexibility to avoid bad weather, rush hour traffic. You had the ability to exercise common sense in your driving habits. ELD now has put everyone on a stop watch, racing the clock all day in order to be able to do a good job and make a fair wage, is there anyone else that see’s the flaw in that plan? It is worth your life to be a pedestrian in a truck stop these days because everyone is racing the clock. ELD is nothing more than the means of recording adherence to the rules, no different than paper was. The rules are the problem. Drivers are forced to drive when they are too tired to do so safely, they are forced to try and sleep when they are not able to just because a rule says they must. How about something simple based on common sense? The truck must be parked for 10 of 24 hours. The driver can drive the remaining 14 hours broken up into whatever periods of time suits their needs. Some people like to sleep for long stretches at a time, some people are only able to sleep soundly and get good rest for shorter periods of time multiple times per day. One rule for everyone doesn’t make any sense, everyone is different. A driver should be able to drive when they are rested enough to do so safely and sleep when they are not, regardless of what a mindless machine mounted to the dash says.

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