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Canadian bulk carrier refloated in Great Lakes waterway

The Mississagi ran aground Saturday morning at Big Trout Island on the U.S. side of the St Marys River.

   The 603-foot Canadian bulk carrier Mississagi was successfully refloated Saturday by the Great Lakes Towing Company after the vessel went aground earlier that morning at Big Trout Island on the U.S. side of the St Marys River.
   The vessel was travelling down the St. Marys River from Bruce Mines, Ontario with more than 17,000 tons of stone when it ran aground in the Potagannissing Bay. According to a statement from the Great Lakes Towing Company, the tug Missouri was dispatched immediately and refloated the Mississagi within 5 hours.
   The company said there were no injuries or pollution stemming from the incident.
   The Great Lakes Towing Company offers lakes-wide comprehensive towing service with readily tugs and crews available 24 hours a day. In addition to harbor services, the company provides emergency assistance to vessels that are wrecked, disabled or in distress on the Great Lakes.